Are you going to vote?
So Texas is holding its Primary, Tuesday March 4th. You can still early vote at certain locations and it does not have to be at your designated precinct. This is the first time in my life I am actually excited and informed on which candidate I truly like. I'm not just voting because it's what someone told me to do and I am not just voting for the candidate that is the most popular. I don't understand those that are voting just to see the first woman president or to see the first black president. Yes, It would be exciting to see but come have to base your vote on more substance than that. Nonetheless this Primary is history in the making. I can't wait to see the outcome.... on both sides. I am hoping that Obama is going to win Texas and Ohio therefore kicking Hillary.....YES!!!!! ( sorry Hillary supporters ) out of this race. I do however know that there are many people who think it simply won't happen. Hillary Clinton does not lose! I mean she is 1/2 of the Clinton Machine. This is her life Ambition. I don't want to see what will transpire if she somehow steals this thing from Obama though. I can just imagine the backlash of something like that. On the other hand if Obama does manage to win.....I would be afraid if I were him. Very afraid. I get the impression that you don't want to mess with the Clintons and she's liable to turn Capone on him. It's like a soap opera that I want to hurry up and know the ending to. On the other side I know everyone thinks John McCain has this one in the bag but I'm still voting for Huckabee. One thing I have learned about politics is that things can change from one day to the next. There are no absolutes. He's the person I would like to see, breathe new life in to this country. He is genuinely an authentic candidate and I believe he writes his own inspiring speeches, and he supports the fair tax and he would hold true to his conservative principles. Sadly, and I hate even saying this because I hope I'm wrong but since I think the Democrats are going to win the White House( it's almost inevitable) I do prefer the Honor to go to Obama. I know he is extremely liberal and he will tax us to death but Hillary Clinton becoming president.... well that just scares me.
We voted yesterday! After waiting about 30 days in line - wow there were a lot of people voting!
I really like Huckabee, too. He supports the Fair Tax, which would make my life heaven, and I like how he's not a media puppet like so many other politicians are. I love it how someone will "demand" an apology for something he says and he's like, "no." It's so refreshing.
I don't think he'll really make it all the way to the white house, but he got my vote.
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