I was unpacking some boxes this morning and came across a box with tons of pictures inside it. I LOVE looking at pictures so it distracted me a little. I came across pictures that dated back to the mid 70's....when I was a baby and when I was a little girl. I got a big kick out of this one in particular because it's me and my dad and It appears as though I am just hanging out in the front seat of the car while he's driving or about to be driving. Do you know what an outrage this would cause today?? It does not even look like my dad is buckled because the seat belt seems to be pinned to the top of the car. Times have changed for sure!
awwww, what a great picture!
Bella looks just like you did!
My parents tell me of a story of when I was little that I stood up in the back seat with on hand on my dad who was in the drivers seat and one on my grandpa's in the passengers seat all the way from Texas to Tennessee. How times have changed.
awww that is such a sweet picture! It put a tear in my eye. You and dad were soooooo adorable. Have you shown him this picture?
Tooo cute! Amanda's right - Bella looks just like you!
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