lil Bella rarely gets in trouble but today she needed a time out for getting all upset and yelling at her sister. I calmly carried her over to the corner and told her to stand there for 2 minutes. I let her know yelling is unacceptable. When I look back at her she is still standing there perfectly still as I left her. I
didn't know
whether to laugh or cry or both. She was so cute and yes innocent standing there and it just breaks my heart to see her "get in trouble". Disciplining Hannah NEVER came this easy. She would cry and throw fits and not sit still and give me the hardest time ever. Hannah was extremely ( and still is ) strong willed and extremely
difficult to discipline. Bella is so easy going and calm and she listens well and does as she is told. Disciplining her is easy because she does not put up a fight. Hannah puts up the biggest fight of her life. Hannah never would have stood still in the corner for 1 second like that! So I have seen both sides of the spectrum with my 2 girls and I am not meaning to compare them but they are very, very different! I am convinced being a Mother is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but it's also been one of the most rewarding.
I think I would laugh and cry too. She looks cute. I did this with the kids I use to keep and it worked some. We also did it with Abigail in the past too. I can't believe that Bella would yell? I guess she is different at home than in class.
Melanie :o)
That cracks me up -- but you are right it is sad at the same time. It is funny how different the two of them are...maybe that is why they usually get along pretty well with each other -- except when Hannah won't let Bella use her marker ;-)
A maker? I would think it would be some dress up stuff or shoes. lol.
WOW. That sadly is the cutest thing.
Aww, poor Bella.....I probably would have cried and laughed as well. She was standing to perfectly. Aww, makes me sad... :(
I am going to start putting candy in the corner of Bella's room, so she can have a treat while her Mommy takes pictures of her there....... Poor little Bellacita.
I am going to start putting candy in the corner of Bella's room, so she can have a treat while her Mommy takes pictures of her there....... Poor little Bellacita.
I know, I know, I'm a bad mommy.
Thank goodness she does not get in trouble much.
: )
she learns her lesson.
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