Gary and I are in the beginning stages of planning a little mini vacation. ALONE! We figure the girls are more than happy to go hang out at Grandmamas for a few days and they should be fine.....Bella is a big girl know ya know. Since they live pretty close to the TX - AR border we figured it would be nice to take a little road trip somewhere. Drive through a few states. TN is sounding pretty nice.....we could visit the home of Elvis even though neither one of us are really a fan, but do you have to be a fanatic to want to visit Graceland? I know..."Love me tender, love me blue" and "You ain't nothing but a hound dog". Plus I bet TN is brilliant in the Fall and there's nothing more romantic to me than October. Oh wait....this will be in November... Oh well whatever we can make November romantic too. Gary and I have always had such fantastic travels together and I am getting so excited just thinking about it. Yeah I think TN is sounding rather nice. Anyone ever been there?
:( I'm crying right now, whaa whaa! I am so jealous that y'all are getting away. It would be a dream to do something like that with my husband.
I hope y'all have a wonderful time. It sounds perfect. Will y'all go to Nashville? Y'all can go see Ragsdale.
We sure could. What church are they at?
nashville is fun - are you guys DRIVING?
That does sound fun!! I know you will have a fabulous time! We've been to TN a few times, but I was pretty young. I just remember all the waitresses having an unbelievably thick accent (which must be bad for a true-blue Texas girl to notice) and calling everyone "honey."
My parents and sister lived in Memphis. The zoo is fabulous, only second to the San Diego Zoo in my opinion. My sister now loves in Knoxville, but I've never been there. We have been to Gatlinburg numerous times for our annual ski trip/youth convention when Phillip was a youth pastor. That would be quite a haul for you, though, if you are driving.
(I've heard that Graceland is WAY overpriced).
Yes, we will drive. I'm not into flying. I love scenery and being on the ground! I'm a bad flyer and I get very anxiouis.
Well thanks for the info. Maybe we will skip Graceland and just go to Nashville.
Luck you!!!!!
Or if you really wanted to see Elvis, you could just go to Vegas :) he he
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