Friday, November 28, 2008

Past Week Happenings

- Had the in laws in town and went out to eat at the Salt Lick. I LOVE THAT PLACE!
- Bella got her ears pierced - I was not happy about this but her daddy told her she could. She looks really cute with her earrings. Hannah was too scared to do hers.
- Went to Hannahs' end of season soccer party. Parents VS Kids on the field = CRAZY!
- My mom gave me this really cool new scrabble board as an early Christmas present. Beat my husband in scrabble at least 3 or 4 times - then yesterday he FINALLY beat me. He was so happy. ( pst.....I let him win)
- Gary took the girls to see Bolt. They loved it and Hannah came home with her ears pierced! She looks cute too.
- Battled a Migraine. Pain. Throbbing. Agony. I got desperate and took a sample pill my doctor gave me a while back for migraines( I hate taking medicine) and it was gone! Hello Treximet. My new Hero.
- Played a self made Christmas CD while I prepared my contribution to the Thanksgiving meal. I still could not get into the holiday spirit but Bella had fun dancing around to the songs.

- Thanksgiving day!!!!!!!!! Yummy food. This is my favorite meal of the entire year. We had smoked turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, corn casserole, green beans, broccoli casserole, gravy and rolls! DELICIOUS. Then of course pumpkin and pecan pie.
- Back to reality. Gary went back to work today after being off a week. I really like when he's home. Now hopefully I can shed a few pounds so we can do all of this again for Christmas. I'm going to try to get into the spirit of the Holidays. I can't believe the year is almost over.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Say Cheese

I found Bella the best Christmas present that I think all children will want this year. Aren't they perfect? She will have the prettiest smile around and most importantly we don't have to worry about any more cavities. I'm such a brilliant mom. Let me know if you want some for you kids ( or you) because I am sure they will sell out FAST! Move over scooters and baby dolls I just know these are the next big things for kids.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am at a serious loss for something to write about here....... Hmmm......think Monica, think! Things I guess are not all that exciting in the Clifton household. We're just chugging along here.....trying to ride the last few months of the year 2008. Not so sure I am looking forward to 2009. It's no secret that the economy is in shambles and it's finally hitting Gary's line of work. I guess things can't always be on the up and up and he has enjoyed almost 9 years on the up and up and sometimes things go down ya know. We're trying not to be too worried.....I mean we know whatever happens that we will be just fine but it is still scary to know that our only source of income is only guaranteed until the end of the year. They have had some MAJOR cutbacks in his company and his job is hanging on by the thinnest of threads. Scary. There are good things that come out of hard times though. Of this I am pretty sure. It's made me take a look at this upcoming season with conservative eyes and prompting me to devise a plan to get us through. Like take gift giving for example. I mean is giving gifts THE point of the holidays? No. Yet it seems that the Holidays have evolved into the season of gift giving. I bet 80 % of the stress of the holiday season could be eliminated if we got gift giving under control. I know I know it is good for the economy blah blah blah. Honestly though my kids don't need anything! They don't need more toys, or dolls, or games, or dress up clothes. They already have plenty. I know my nieces and nephews don't need any thing either. They all have so much already and so why add to the clutter of stuff they already have and don't play with. I think it would be so great if we used this Holiday season to focus on what it's really about and that is the birth of Jesus Christ. I was telling my mom last night that maybe this year we should try something different and not worry about buying presents for anyone in our family and just focus on celebrating and being thankful for what we already have. She just kept looking at me like I was speaking a foreign language. I might as well have been saying.....opwiefkmndvlkajrtolaisnvierytaienra.sgbieurvyha;sokdnmrweigroasfdnvasiuvyapi;gja;.

I don't know, this is just what has been laid upon my heart and with any extra money we have I feel it would be put to greater use if we just adopted a "needy" family to provide for so that they can have a meal to be thankful for. I assure you I am not being a's not about that at all. I usually love the holiday season but this year I am not looking forward to it because I know it's going to require all this shopping and getting so and so this gift and so and so that one. I'd love to make the theme to this years Holidays, "SIMPLICITY"and hopefully I can get that holiday sprit that usually starts next Thursday with the most delicious meal that I wait for all year. Anyway I guess I did have something to say after all...haha....even if it is all jumbled and unorganized. But then most of my thoughts are that way. I really do love the holidays.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Loser Mommy of the Century

I know a few fellow blogger friends of mine have blogged before about being a "loser" mommy. I thought today I would contribute my loser momminess to the world.....and if you ask me I think this far out does said mentioned blogger's loser mommy moments.

I am just beside myself today with an enormous weight of guilt on my heart. It pains me from the top of my head, all the way down to the tips of my toes. I mean of all the horrible things you can do to your kids, I think this is pretty much up there. I will never ever forgive myself for this and all though the entire weight of this is not ALL my fault. It is.

I took Bella to the dentist today and she has CAVITIES!!!! Cavities! Holes in her teeth. And not just 1 either. We're talking multiples here. This has got to be one of the most embarrassing things ever! I mean.....what 3 year old has cavities unless they pretty much sleep with a mouth full of sugar. She might as well have been doing that ya know? I was so heart broken, sad, depressed, guilt stricken. This is horrible.

Gary, he's like. "Oh it's not that big of a deal....there's nothing we can do about it now!" WHAT????? And this is the man that is in charge of brushing her teeth every night before bed time. Can you say FIRED! But I am not saying it's his fault because I admit sometimes in the rush of our morning routine, I sometimes forget to brush poor little innocent Bella's teeth. You might as well call CPS now and report our cruel parenting skills. Poor girl's parents don't take proper care of her poor little, what did they ever do to us, innocent baby teeth. I mean really......what kind of parent lets their child get multiple cavities by the time they are 3! Hannah did not have cavities at age 3 and I did not have a cavity until age 30. This is just beyond unacceptable to me. At this rate by the time she's 5 she's going to have a mouth full of stainless steel teeth.

So there....I am nominating or actually awarding my self for the Loser Mommy of the Century Award!
Shame, shame, shame on me.

Credit Cards - Not Always Bad

Out of boredome yesterday Bella and I went to the Outlet Mall. We are all in need of some new clothes and are fortunate enough to have a clothing budget for this month. I figured the best way to stretch our money would be to head to the Outlet Mall. First stop.....Banana Republic. They were having a pretty good sale, I might say. I found 3 tops that I liked....all at least 40% off! Deal! I got Gary his much loved boxers ( he will only wear Banana Republic boxers....SPOILED??) they were 5 for 20 bucks which is good because normally they can run like 9 dollars or more each. Anyway.....I was in there forever trying to make sure I was getting the best deals possible. I went to check out and the lady said they were having an extra 25% of your entire purchase if you were a Old Navy, Gap or Banana card holder. I just so happend to be and still had my card in my wallet all though it's been years since I have actually used it. But 25 % off is a great deal and then I can just turn around and pay the card right off! All this to say.....if you are in need of some clothing and are a card holder there it might be worth the trip. I paid 15 dollars total for 3 nice tops which I think is a super deal. I think I am going to go back for sure.....all though next time I think I will go alone. It's hard shopping with a 3 year old.

Monday, November 10, 2008


So I was led to get something out in the complete open about how my husband and I met. I decided today that I am not going to be embarrassed about this anymore. Okay....that was a bold face lie. I still will probably be embarrassed but here it goes anyway.

My husband and I met in a small group counseling session for people who have sex addictions.

Okay that was another bold face lie! Hahaha. No, seriously for those that don't know, Gary and I actually met on one of those matchmaker sites. Match dot com or matchmaker dot of those. AND not only was me that made the first move. I sent him a message and the rest is history. I don't know what I was thinking, it was and still is completely out of my realm of behavior and I can only think that for some strange reason I was just compelled to do it. It's not something I had ever done and I got A LOT of flack from my family. Mainly from my brother in law who thought for sure I had gone crazy and was asking to get my self cut up into a million pieces and buried somewhere. As they say though, all is well that ends well and it surely did.

So's no longer a secret I will hold close to my vest. You can pick on us now if you want.

Monday Morning Thoughts

I honestly can't believe that we are already in November. I do this every year......think about how the year just flew by and claim I don't know where it escaped to. It's crazy. It does not feel like it's about to be Thanksgiving again, or Christmas. The stores are already all decked out with rows of Christmas trees, ornaments, blow up Santa's and holiday wreaths. Again I say....crazy! Gary and I were looking forward to a nice get away this month but have decided to be wise with our money instead and save the getaway for our 5 year anniversary that is coming up in just a few short months. Speaking of anniversary, Gary surprised me with a bouquet of roses the other day celebrating the 7 year anniversary of the day we met. 7 Years! How we met is still so absolutely crazy, and I don't think most people even know that story. It's not something I particularly like to share. We used to joke around and say when anyone asks us how we met, let's just make us some crazy story and tell everyone something different. Haha. We dated for a year and then he proposed and even though I had sworn off marriage, he some how convinced me it would be a good idea. We were engaged for a year and then we got married. He was right. These last 7 years have been the best years of my 33. I love thinking about when we were dating..... we had some really wonderful times together and still continue to do so. A comfortableness has settled in between us. A comfort that is like home. I hope and pray we make it to our 50th anniversary! Almost 5 years down.....only 45 more to go. Do you think you can put up with me that long babe? Would you like to see me with grey hair and possibly no teeth? Maybe I can push you around in your wheel chair and help you with your dentures. I can comb your one strand of hair and make you your favorite mashed food. We can sit there on our porch and swing and think about our youthful past. We better enjoy this time now, huh?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Moving Forward

Well I can't believe it's finally over. I have been so invested in this election....I pretty much ate, slept, and breathed it. The last 15 or 16 months or so this election has pretty much been my life. It's all I read about....all I wanted to watch on TV and all I've listened to on the radio. I never in my life have been so "in" to something and at times it was emotionally draining and I felt like I might have post election traumatic stress syndrome but today I felt so at peace and relaxed and I am ready to move forward. All though I did not cast my vote for Obama, he is now going to be the President of the United States of America and I am going to be okay with that. I keep thinking about what an amazing thing he pulled off here. He made history last night. This had to feel good to him and his wife and to all the African American people in this country and I hope now they can put to rest any hatred or feelings of condemnation that they have for this country and for this country's past injustices against them . I hope Obama winning will set free in them what they need to have peace about their History. I mean I know that won't happen over night but maybe this can be the beginning for that. I hope to move past the notion that any one race is better than the other. I hope they no longer feel that it's the "white man" holding them down. If me saying that offends anyone.....sorry ,but right or wrong ,that's what I hope. I also hope and Pray Obama will take us in a positive direction and I hope this country can be united and I am going to give him a chance and be supportive of him(meaning you won't hear me trashing him like the democrats did to Bush) and I am going to think positive. I'm going to pray for him and place my trust in GOD that everything happens just as it should. Even though this blog might make my husband call me an Obama Lover.....I'm not. I just think he deserves a chance. I feel like this is a new beginning and I am happy to say.......
I'm moving forward.

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's gone

What's that you ask?'s the little metal stakes that came with our McCain/Palin yard sign. Notice anything strange? Like maybe the McCain/Palin sign is not on it. Missing maybe? Well I can't say missing....because that could perhaps imply we misplaced it. So no, it's not missing. And no we did not change our minds at the last minute and decide to vote for Barack Obama and therefor took it off. Nope....not that. What? Stolen? You think? Noooooooooooooooooooooo
Maybe it just blew away with the heavy winds last night. Yeah it has to be that. I wonder if this is a sign. pun intended. A foreshadowing of tomorrow.