Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am at a serious loss for something to write about here....... Hmmm......think Monica, think! Things I guess are not all that exciting in the Clifton household. We're just chugging along here.....trying to ride the last few months of the year 2008. Not so sure I am looking forward to 2009. It's no secret that the economy is in shambles and it's finally hitting Gary's line of work. I guess things can't always be on the up and up and he has enjoyed almost 9 years on the up and up and sometimes things go down ya know. We're trying not to be too worried.....I mean we know whatever happens that we will be just fine but it is still scary to know that our only source of income is only guaranteed until the end of the year. They have had some MAJOR cutbacks in his company and his job is hanging on by the thinnest of threads. Scary. There are good things that come out of hard times though. Of this I am pretty sure. It's made me take a look at this upcoming season with conservative eyes and prompting me to devise a plan to get us through. Like take gift giving for example. I mean is giving gifts THE point of the holidays? No. Yet it seems that the Holidays have evolved into the season of gift giving. I bet 80 % of the stress of the holiday season could be eliminated if we got gift giving under control. I know I know it is good for the economy blah blah blah. Honestly though my kids don't need anything! They don't need more toys, or dolls, or games, or dress up clothes. They already have plenty. I know my nieces and nephews don't need any thing either. They all have so much already and so why add to the clutter of stuff they already have and don't play with. I think it would be so great if we used this Holiday season to focus on what it's really about and that is the birth of Jesus Christ. I was telling my mom last night that maybe this year we should try something different and not worry about buying presents for anyone in our family and just focus on celebrating and being thankful for what we already have. She just kept looking at me like I was speaking a foreign language. I might as well have been saying.....opwiefkmndvlkajrtolaisnvierytaienra.sgbieurvyha;sokdnmrweigroasfdnvasiuvyapi;gja;.

I don't know, this is just what has been laid upon my heart and with any extra money we have I feel it would be put to greater use if we just adopted a "needy" family to provide for so that they can have a meal to be thankful for. I assure you I am not being a's not about that at all. I usually love the holiday season but this year I am not looking forward to it because I know it's going to require all this shopping and getting so and so this gift and so and so that one. I'd love to make the theme to this years Holidays, "SIMPLICITY"and hopefully I can get that holiday sprit that usually starts next Thursday with the most delicious meal that I wait for all year. Anyway I guess I did have something to say after all...haha....even if it is all jumbled and unorganized. But then most of my thoughts are that way. I really do love the holidays.


Anonymous said...

Did mom share with you that I told her the same thing yesterday afternoon? Let's just get together this Christmas and not exchange gifts. I am positive the good times will keep on rolling. Being together celebrating Jesus birthday is what matters.

I bet it's harder done than said.

Anonymous said...

that was reverse, I should have said it's easier said than done.

Summer said...

Our Life Group is adopting mothers through CASA of Travis County that needs diapers, etc for their children. There's so much selfless joy when you know you can give to someone else - especially everyday necessities for a mom that's trying to get her life turned around.

I understand what you mean about the money part of the holidays. I can't control the wonderfulness of our moms (Nanna & Nonna) that so preciously do anything that can to make sure Tatum has clothes on her back. Without them I don't know what we'd do! Chris and I set extreme limits for the entire Holiday - and break it down (just like we do the envelopes). Makes me more specific to my buying, can be tough when I want to buy more or get myself something - but keeps me on track for what's needed and what's not so much needed.

I think I'm writing too much. ha.

Anonymous said...

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