Every year when Valentines day rolls around I have such ambivalent feelings towards it. I mean, shouldn't vday be everyday? I also have a hard time thinking of it as a guys holiday. I mean do guys want a valentines gift? Or could they care less? In the past I have done things like make Gary some chocolate covered strawberries but I don't think I have ever bought him anything. Oh, except one time I did get him some white boxers that said I love you all over them in red lettering. BUT HE HATES THEM AND NEVER WEARS THEM! Haha. And they were even from Banana Republic. So I don't know, am I lame for not getting all into it and not wanting to go out and buy him something? What do you do for your significant other? Is it a big deal?
At this point in my life, I could care less about this holiday. I don't even expect or necessarily want a gift either. Do I sound unromantic? I hope not......I would love some alone time with my husband but the whole gift giving thing is too overdone. In my younger days before children, I expected a gift. Priorities have changed.
For us, its just a reminder of the importance to express V-day everyday. :) Now that we have Tatum, the family does fun little things for her (too many stuffed animals....etc), but we will at least make it a point to set aside us time and then family time. Gifts, if any, are small & practical (like last year, Chris got me an eye mask for me to wear when I go to bed...one of the best gifts EVER!)
Hope your free babysitter date night to PFChangs was fun! :)
Melanie - I do want to see that movie. I heard it's really good.
Michelle - I hear ya. But your hubby ALWAYS gives you a gift. Let him spoil you on this day. Wait...he spoils you everyday.
: )
Summer - Our night was very nice! Hope your night tonight was.
OK, I'm behind on reading your blog - ahhhhh!!!
I'm just a sucker for romance, and Valentine's Day has always been important to me. Call me shallow like that... It's not so much the gifts but just having a time set aside that when the rest of the world gets crazy, we take time to spoil each other and remind ourselves what we mean to each other. I'm pretty sure it's all to humor me, since Jimmy isn't the one to make a big deal out of it.
So yes, we always plan something - even if it's just a night cooking in together with a movie... and if I get flowers it's all the more fun :)
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