I had an interesting start to my day. I was kidnapped by extra terrestrials and forced upon their spaceship and was subjected to some testing so that they could learn more about my human brain. The aliens were very nice and only slightly ghoulish looking......The one that inserted my IV was tattooed and reeked of smoke so I guess even Aliens can be rebels because it was very clear that he was an " alternative" alien. I wasn't scared but I was quite concerned with what they might find. They had to inject me with some sort of dye but they assured me that the dye was not harmful in anyway, shape or form and would not kill me unless I was allergic. Oh, okay....well inject away then! They said it would help with the images. Okay, okay wait....I wasn't actually kidnapped by aliens. But that's how I felt and I only pretended that's what was going on when I had to have a MRI of my brain done this morning. And aliens did not perform the MRI, it was a doctor. But the part about the being that inserted the IV was totally true. He was covered in tattoos and reeked of smoke! But as I was laying there in this cylinder shaped contraption my brain starting getting imaginative and I was feeling like I was in some sort of space whatsa mathingy. Yes, I might be crazy and maybe the MRI will prove that but most importantly hopefully it will either confirm my worst fears or let me be at peace with normal results. I'm praying for the latter.
After my MRI I treated myself to a Caramel Machiato,( many moons since I had one of those) non fat of course, and headed to do a little retail therapy......ALONE! Oooohhhh....maybe I was/am in some sort of alternate universe.............no, Gary is off today and he stayed home with the girls( they totally missed out on the Aliens) and I ran to a few stores. One which was called Charming Charleys. If you have not been there, you must! It was jewelry and accessories galore and they had some of the cutest shoes and dresses and it was all very reasonably priced. I think I just found my new favorite accessory store. After stopping a few more places, and running into an old high school friend, I headed home. Men sure don't do things the way we women do, do they?? I come home to find Gary napping! Surprise, surprise. Bella was watching a movie and Hannah was just playing in her room. Haha....I just had to laugh. Hey, I'm not going to complain, I had a whole morning to myself and as long as the girls were fed, and safe......Gary did a good job.
So that's been my day. I hope to enjoy the rest of the day hanging out with the family ( when Gary wakes up from his nap) taking it easy and anxiously awaiting my results from the Aliens.... oops......I mean doctors.