Now that I know that I am a okay......I surely do have BABY on the brain. I sure do miss Bella when she was little and so cute and I am finding my self seriously wanting a baby again. I mean I love the freedom that I have now, but that will come again in time and 3 just seems like a nice round number. I don't know......... In a week or so.....I'll probably snap back to reality. But just look how cute she was........and Fat!

Bella @ 7 months old
So would cause some major changes in our life and would completely throw us upside down for a while......but it's kind of now or never. I'm not getting any younger and it would be our last chance at having that little boy! 3 girls would be totally fine too. We shall see.......
Oh how fun!! What does Gary think??
Bella has always been such a cutie! Can't believe how much she's grown...
Do it....I need a tiny baby to love on and smell!!!!!
Will you always regret not having a third? We're kind of at that place with having a fourth.
Sarah - I think I surely would regret it. Would you say go for the 3rd? You have 3. Is it that hard?
Go for it! We were trying for a girl ended up with twin boys,now with 4 boys I am longing for a little girl. But dare I tempt fate?
Oh Jen, you just scared me! My dad is a twin. Twins run in the family......what if we try for 3 and end up with 4!
The twin gene can only pass down on your mom's side (which I just learned with this pregnancy) so unless it's on your mom's side too you should be okay. It doesn't pass on through men. I think you should have another one. What does Gary think about this "new idea"?
Well he was on board until I told him that he would have to take over laundry responsibility if we added another child to our household. Then he said.....okay nevermind.
monica ann your silly!!!!! Remember Bella said she would watch the baby while you did laundry...LOL
you've been thinking about this for a while now .... more kids is always a blessing - even if its more of prioritizing & juggling - in 10 years, you'd be glad you did it.
Go for it. You'll do GREAT with three children.
Go for it!! I'll give you a head start...just let me know as soon as you get pregnant, then we'll start trying! :)
I think 3 is a good number. You're a great mom, and you will do well with whatever # children you decide to have.
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