Wow. I can't believe I have not written a blog post in this entire magnificent month of October. Ocotber has long been a favorite month of mine. I also can't believe we are on the down ward slope of the year. Hello...... didn't I just put away all of my Christmas decorations like 5 minutes ago.
My little family is having family portraits taken this Sunday. This makes me quite nervous because none of us are what I would call "photogenic". We all tense up and muster the strainiest of smiles when the camera is about to click. I pray the photographers have some mad photo taking skills and will work some kind of photographer magic to capture some decent photos of us. I hate the way I nose is too large and my chin is too pointy that I feel like I end up looking like the wicked witch of the west. I think I posted about that before. But other than that I am really excited about it because we have never taken professional pics as a family of 4. What do we wear! I feel that will be a major project this week. Picking the outfits.
And if that is not going to keep me busy enough my Purse Party is this Saturday! Well, it's this Saturday if the swine flu does not make an appearance in one of our bodies again. Yep, Hannah had the swine flu a few weeks ago and it really kicked her in the behind. Thank God none of us were infected. Thank God for Hand sanitizer and Lysol becaues I think I just drank it daily to kill any and all sickly germs I may have inhaled while caring for her. So, hopfully all goes well and the party will actually take place.
Gary recovered very nicely from his "surgery" and No,he did not have a Vasectomy! Haha... I had several people think he had one. Trust me....he would have happily taken a Vasectomy over what he actually had and that' all I have to say about that! Well and that I am thankful for all the prayers. I know with out a doubt it was the prayer that allowed everything to go as smootly as it did. sweet Bella. We'll see how she does this week with mothers day out. Girlfriend had a MAJOR meltdown last week and was taken out of class by the teacher because there was just no returning to her normal, sweet, easy going self. Girlfriend was apparently having a bad day in the highest sense of the word. It's hard to see her like that. We'll see how this week goes.
Not photogenic!?! What? I strongly disagree. You have a beautiful family and you are gorgeous. These will be great photos. I am looking forward to taking them for you and I know you guys will do great. Can't wait to get my lens on your girls too- so cute!
Please... you're beautiful!! Besides, I know from personal experience that Elizabeth is a magic-worker: She took me a few weeks post-partum and we all looked like rock stars.
Sorry to hear about Bella's meltdown... It happens to the best of us. I heard once that the only difference between toddlers and grownups is knowing how to mask/control your true emotions. I've seriously had a few of those days in the past few weeks - I'm just throwing a fit on the inside instead of the outside - haha.
hahaha, i am cracking up at you. you are gorgeous. can't wait to see the pictures!
did you tell gary i thought he was getting the "v" done? haha. too bad he wasn't -- would help Chris mentally prepare himself one day.
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