Anyone heard of the Wonderful Wonderbar? Apparently it's an amazing bar of soap known to transform your skin. I'm a facial product junkie and always looking for a good soap, moisturizer, toner, exfoliator,eye cream...etc.etc.etc. I recently purchased a few items from the Kiehl's line hoping it would clear up these breakouts all over my face( I feel like a hormonal teenager) and I'm a little more than slightly unimpressed. And I had such high hopes too since it came recommended by a couple of people. I've given it a week so for me that's plenty of time to notice some sort of improvement. A brighter complexion, a few less lines, at least ONE less pimple. But no. This Wonderbar claims to give results in 3 minutes! I'm very intrigued. But at 40 dollars a bar ( which looks to be the size of a hotel bar of soap and it's cheapest one) I'm not sure I want to fall for yet another product who promises to clear my skin or make my skin look radiant and doesn't deliver. I want to unleash the majic on my skin.
Check it out for yourself.
Just so you are clear, the Wonderbar will not give you "results" in three minutes. You will FEEL your skin tighten and your skin will feel cleaner in three minutes, but the real results come after about 3-4 weeks, when you will notice closed pores, tighter, more even-toned skin. The results are amazing, but don't be mislead by the three minute claim, they are only talking about the immediate superficial results. Skin can't change in three minutes.
Wow - $40 is a lot... but if it works then I'm intrigued. I'm interested to hear what you find out!
Thanks for sharing this kind of information.
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