Don't read this if you are squeamish about bugs! My day has been completely ruined by one. I don't know why I have such a stong affliction with bugs. Namely...those nasty cockroachy, waterbug types. This morning to start my day off I get to see a bug crawling across my kitchen floor. My first reaction, with out thinking is to stomp on it but it crawls fast so I'm semi-chasing this bug across the kitchen. I finally get it against the wall and I'm bellying up the nerve to crush it. I had my big boots on so I'm tapping it hard enough to at least hurt it so it can no longer crawl but this freak is stronger than I thought and it takes me like 5 times to paralyze it. Yuck , yuck yuck. There it lays......not dead but not fully alive either. I figure it has to just lay there until Gary gets home because there is just no way possible I can pick it up. BUT this thing trys to start crwaling again so I just squashed it! Ewww........ I can hear the crunch and all and I just about jump out of my own skin. I can not believe I just squashed this bug. I am however the same girl that abandoned my car on the side of the road and walked about half a mile to the nearest pay phone( this was in 1995 before cell phones ) and called my then boyfriend to please come pick me up because as I was driving, a bug, the same kind I just squashed, crawled across my foot. This was when I lived in Dallas and I was 100% convinced that those bugs were stalking me because every where I went there was one taunting me. I SWEAR.
Anyway....after hearing that crunch I have not been able to eat today because when I try all I can think about is that crunch noise and I can't bear to finish eating it and must spit it out because I feel like I am eating that bug. Yuck. Sorry, I know that's disgusting but that's been my day today. I can't help but think how mental I must be and feeling like I'm a bit on the crazy side. I mean who let's bugs do this to them?? Is anyone else as crazy as me? Probably not........ Poor Gary. The things he has to put up with in me.
I am so sorry your tormented by bugs! They mean no harm I am sure :)
(your hilarous)
hahaha, you made me laugh! Im scared of bugs too! But one thing.....they don't ruin my meals. I will kill them and be happy about it. There so creepy!
hilarious, Karina hates the bug squish noise too. a couple of summers ago we were headed down to South Padre and ran into the migrating monarch butterflies. yeah our windscreen looked like a civil war battle ground. I thought she was gonna puke.
we've made that drive there as well with the shield full of bugs! It's gross.
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