Friday, March 21, 2008
How do you obey your thirst when you're not even sure what you're thirsty for? I think I have been feeling spiritually thirsty and I don't know how to satisfy this. I'm not even sure this is even a real thirst. I go to church, I pray daily, I have my dialogue with GOD, I do what it is I feel like I should be doing regarding my walk with Christ. Yet I still thirst. I want more..... I start to wonder if maybe it's my church. This troubles me down to my toes because I Love my pastor. I have learned so much from him and from his sermons to even consider leaving brings me a feeling of guilt. Like how dare I even consider that. I am so comfortable at our church....we've attended for 5 years now, we know everyone and we are involved....but still something is missing. I don't feel I am growing spiritually. Can you outgrow a church? How do you stay satisfied with the same water over and over and over. Is this something I should rely on my own self for? Does this even have to do with my church? Is it something I should talk to my pastor about? It's probably not his job to make sure I am spiritually fulfilled. How do you quench such a thirst?
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I am certain you will wish you had a word count limit when I get done responding. Hopefully it was not a rhetorical question.
My favorite verse in all of the word of God is First Corinthians Nine, and Twenty Four, “ Know ye not that they which run the race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that you may obtain. And every man that striveth for mastery is temperate in all things.”This in my opinion is to say that our walk is not one of merely watching and waiting but one of engaging with the Spirit of God.
When you first met Gary, all you wanted to do was know more and more about him. Then there came a point that you desired to do things for him for the passion that was within your heart. You engaged into the next step, marriage. So it is with God and His plan for the church. Coming to know Christ as our Savior is by no means a small thing. However it is only the beginning. We are to continue to seek God and His will for our lives. Continually growing in not just the good and acceptable deeds of going to Church, and being involved, but in walking in the Spirit. Therefore edifying the body of Christ. Touching peoples lives with the light He has placed within us by the gifts of His Spirit.
Jesus says that those who thirst and drink of Him will thirst no more but have a well spring up into everlasting life. God tells us to draw near unto Him and He will draw near unto us. Paul tells us in Corinthians we are to move from Glory to Glory in Christ. We are to progress, “run, that you may obtain”. If you are feeling a stagnant in your walk with God, this, I assure you is not His will. Take note of the animals in our world, some travel thousands of miles, in search of food and water, risking their lives and the lives of their children. All to be fed. They know if they stay where they are, they will perish. It is worth the risk. God has prepared a feast before us, through the righteousness of His Son, and through the Gift of the Holy Spirit we are able to sit and dine with Him.
If the environment you are in does not support the model of the body of Christ we have in the word of God, if God’s work of His Spirit is not evident, if there is no challenge for progression in your walk, then lean not upon your own understanding, but through fasting and prayer, seek the will of God. He will answer you. He desires this relationship. This is why He created you.
You have been hungry for quite a while now, I believe you are craving intimacy with God. That is such a good thing Monica and a leading from the Holy Spirit. Consider it a beckoning from God. He wants more of you. It's time to go to the next level. THERE IS ALWAYS MORE FOR YOU :) It's hard getting there without guidance though. I would think it's partly our pastor's responsibility and then ours too. The Word of God is all you need though. Get your bible and dig in. If you have questions, ask your pastor or someone who has knowledge. As Joshua said in his comment. Jesus said "Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thrist." -John 4:14
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