Monday, March 10, 2008
Yesterday I got to do something that I rarely ever get to do and that is watch a movie. I crawled in bed with Bella during her nap time and watched the movie Waitress. Overall I thought it was a cute movie but it sure did stir up some emotions in me. Funny how a movie can do that to you. Songs can do that to me as well. The main character reminded me of myself about 9 or so years ago. Stuck in a marriage that I was very miserable in and about to have a child( except I did not have an affair ) I thought the main character Jenna, captured so well that look and feeling of a woman so unhappy in her life but unable to get out and move on. It took the birth of her daughter to give her that courage. The movie just reminded me so much of my life back then and that it took me having my daughter Hannah to give me the courage to want a better life for her and for myself. I don't at all condone divorce and it's something that I am ashamed I have as part of my past but I have no regrets at all. I think of the sad life she and I would have had if I had stayed in that relationship and I have to believe that God has forgiven me. I would hope that he would not be mad at me for wanting to get out of a mentally draining and verbally and sometimes abusive relationship. Anyway... that's it......just seeing that movie made me think about my past and even though it's something I don't like thinking about too much I know right now I am a stronger person for having come through something like that. If you have not seen the movie I recommend it. It's funny and sad and happy all at the same time. Definitely a chick flick!
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I am happy to see you happy!! :)
We all make mistakes/choices in life and have to live with the consequences but God is a forgiving God and ready to forgive if we are sincere in heart and also forgive others. He examines our heart. His Word also says "Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. Where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin."
Thanks for you wise words. Now you need to start your own blog! Do it~
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