Let me first say I am not a "blogger," but my bride insists this will be a good forum for me to vent my frustrations this morning. It's only 10:00, and already twice today I have had to bite my tongue due to ignorant members of the voting public rambling on about the virtues of their favorite democrat presidential candidate. These people were not addressing me -- I only overheard their conversations. Had they addressed me specifically I would not have hesitated to make my strong opinions known. But since I did not have that opportunity, Monica said I should do so here in her blog. So here goes.
First, let me speak to all of the "promises" and "hope" being thrown about by the democrat candidates (has anyone taken out a calculator to try and figure out how in the heck we are going to pay for all of this?!?! Do you want your taxes to DOUBLE over the next four years?!?!) I subscribe to the theory that when it comes to people of able bodies and minds, a hand "up" is much more beneficial than a handout. In other words, I believe you truly help someone when you enable them to help themselves, e.g. providing job-skills training instead of a welfare check. I believe allowing people who have the ability to work to become dependent on government "entitlements" discourages the will to succeed and prosper. America is one of the few countries in the world where everyone of sound mind and body has an opportunity to make something of themselves, and in fact, that opportunity has allowed us to become the greatest nation in the history of the world. To clarify, I do believe there are people who are simply in need of a handout at times -- but I don't believe it's the government's role to provide it. I think we would all be better off if everyone took responsibility for providing for their neighbors, co-workers and friends when in need, and let our faith-based organizations fill in any gaps.
Along those same lines, I believe the less government involvement we have in our daily lives the better off we are (I know I risk sounding like a Ron Paul fan here -- but I think he has got it right on this issue). I have no need or desire for a "nanny state" government to provide for my needs -- including but not limited to healthcare, education, or social security programs. The free market can and will provide everything we need, and will do so much more efficiently than any government entity ever could -- IF the government will stay out of the way and let the system work.
At the risk of rambling on, let me lastly touch on one other "hot-button" issue -- the war on terror. To those that say we have no business in Iraq or Afghanistan, I say how quickly we forget. September 11 was not that long ago. Should we simply turn our cheek and let the terrorists recruit and plot more attacks against us anywhere they chose? I say that's short-sighted. These people believe they are going to receive a heavenly reward for KILLING AMERICANS. I credit George Bush with keeping our country secure for the last 6 years. Whatever it takes, we must not allow these madmen to attack the United States again. I subscribe to the philosophy that it takes rooting them out and destroying them where they are.
Yes, all of this conservatism comes from someone that attended UT -- thank goodness I did not drink the liberal Kool-Aid!
That said, I don't necessarily think either of the candidates are favorable to the other. I know this is probably wrong on a number of levels, but it's kind of funny -- when Bella hears someone say Barak Obama on the radio or TV, she says "he's a mean man" and when she hears them say Hillary Clinton she says "she's a mean old witch!" And then she says "Papa, do they want to take all of yours money?" hahaha) I do predict Clinton will be the eventual nominee, because I believe she will do whatever it takes -- including lying, begging, borrowing, cheating or outright stealing to get the nomination. But Obama, eloquent though he may be, scares the daylights out of me also. Did you know he has the most liberal voting record of anyone in the entire senate -- including the goofball senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, who publicly describes himself as a SOCIALIST!!
Okay I realize this is probably too long for a blog -- my bride can edit me if she wants to, after all this is her blog ;-)
But you were right babe, I do feel better after letting out this steam here. Now I just have to avoid contact with anymore knucklehead liberals today and eveything will be just fine.
Oh, I guess it's not right to make a political blog posting and not say who I voted for (anyone that knows me well or has seen the bumper-sticker on my truck over the last 6 months already knows). I cast my ballot during early voting for Mike Huckabee, despite the fact that it is virtually impossible for him to win the nomination at this point. I felt a need to vote for the person I felt was the best candidate. I don't have as many bones to pick with John McCain as a lot of right-wingers do, I just honestly feel that Huckabee is the best candidate. I still have hopes that maybe he will get the vice-presidential nod, or at least wind up in a great position to run again down the road.
That's my Super Tuesday II two-cents worth. Feel free to let me know if you think it's over-priced.
Last but not least, if you have not already done so -- GO VOTE!!!
What an enjoyable blog Gary! Before long you will have your own :)
I'm glad you feel better. But I do have to say...I can't believe you tell bella, barack obama is a mean man who wants to take all your money. What if she repeats that. I know you're joking.....but other's wont.
good writing.
Glad to see Gary's thoughts! Can't wait until you get an official blog of your own :)
I'm in agreement with you. It's been tough to bite my tongue listening to what a lot of people are saying right now.
Forgive me for being selfish, but we work hard for our money and I'm not so fond of seeing it sucked out of my pocket and into one of someone who isn't doing anything to earn it.
I'm so ready for this election to be over so I don't have to see these people's faces everyday on CNN - haha.
Gary, your words ring with clarity. It is great to see your passion for something other than your beloved girls in your life, and your Toyota. Wonderful blog, Sir.
OH Gary, if that didn't bring back memories of our newspaper days. You always were good at getting your point across. But how do you really feel about the election?
I agree with pretty much every point you made, you should go into politics. I can totally see that.
Friend I loved it. I have written like 12 pages of thought, but this is your page. To keep there from being a gross misunderstanding, let me say only that I think you should write more. You are very well spoken, and I respect your views. This is what is great about being American; we can see things from different angles, in different lighting and still be doggedly patriotic. I think you should vote for who makes you proud to be an American.
Hey Daine,
I told gary you left him a comment. You should have posted your 12 pages of thoughts.
That was a bad tease.
: )
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