Baptizo is a Greek word that is transliterated into baptize and means "immerse." It comes from the Greek word bapto, which means to dip. Baptisma is a Greek word that is transliterated into our word baptism; it means "immersion." Baptizien is another Greek word that is used in the New Testament texts, and it is transliterated into baptizing, which means "immersing." Thus baptism is a plunging or dunking of the subject beneath the waters.
And boy was I dunked, plunged,and immersed under water yesterday......I was BAPTIZED!!!! I'm a little embarrassed that I waited so long to do this since I have considered my self a follower of Christ for some time now. I guess at first I thought since I was baptized as a baby that there was no need to do it again. Then my pastor delivered a sermon that was about baptizing and that to be considered baptized by biblical standards that meant a submersion in water. Well my little baby head was just sprinkled with water and so I really felt a calling to be baptized again as an adult. Through a choice of my own. I am not saying that the baptism as a baby did not count, I am just saying I felt the need in my heart to have it done as the bible says. enters fear, embarrassment, vanity. The voice of the enemy if you ask me. Oh my goodness this means I will actually have to be put under the water and that means it will mess up my hair and that means my make up will run all over my face and that will mean people will be watching. Eh.....never mind! The sprinkling of water over my little head will just have to do.
So I put it off. La di da de da......... Fast forward to another sermon my pastor preached on baptism. I am not sure how much time passed in between but it was quite some time. This time he talked about how Jesus was baptized and that he was the only person to ever live that never sinned, yet he was baptized. And he commanded people as followers of him to do the same. He talked about how as Christ followers being baptized is a sign to all that we have dedicated our life to following him. It was an outward sign to all that we are Christians. Just as a wedding ring is a sign to all that you are married. He also talked about those that choose not to do it for vain reasons or for those that say, Oh it's not important. He said.....what will you say before GOD when he asks why you were not baptized? Oh, I didn't want to get my hair wet or Oh because I was embarrassed. Okay, okay , okay. I get it now. I then knew I would face my fear of being embarrassed because GOD calls us to do this. So I did! I was quite nervous and A LOT embarrassed but I did it. With people watching and everything but I am so glad that I did.
I'm so excited for you! I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you. But this way I just get to imagine your hair all wet - I didn't actually see it. I'm not sure if that helps with the vanity or not, but it's all I can come up with on a Monday morning. haha
hey congratulations. it was not all that bad was it. I tried to lessen the blow by jumping in without my shirt. how could you still be embarrassed after that? and too i think that is half the point. Funny how even in different cultures through time a simple dunk is still an effective step of faith. congratulations.
Thanks Sara and Daine ~
Daine I wish I had your lack of inhibitions.
WOW! I am quite moved by your blog, my friend. Saying "I am proud" is not quite the words I want to say. But I think the choice you made is an admirable one and a sign of your growing faith, and proof that we truly work out our salvation day by day. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your journey with you through these years. Wish I could have been there to see it. Would have shed a small, salty tear.
Love you.
I tend to lean towards Summer, I know the words "I am so proud of you" make you roll your eyes, but I really am. Ever so. Continue to pess on Monica. Seek and you will find, draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.
What a step, to die to ones flesh, for the furtherment of ones spirit, through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Eye, baptize us daily Lord Jesus!
Summer - aww thanks. And thank you for playing a part in my day to day growth in faith through out these years.
Joshua - you ( and michelle ) have helped me grow so much in my faith. Thanks for all the "faith" discussions. I love that......Draw near to him and he will draw near to you. So true.
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