Humph! I write this blog as I pout about reality. Reality, shmeality......who wants to live there. I guess that's a down side to vacation, you have to come back from it. I think Bella said it best. She woke up from her nap yesterday and we were about 2 hours outside of Austin. She said, " Mommy, where are we going?"
I look back at her and he eyes are barely even opened. I tell her that we are going back home. We will be there pretty soon. Silence and then a loud burst of crying and she is in tears. Gary and I look at one another and then I look at her and ask her what's wrong and she whines, " I DON"T WANT TO GO HOME" " I want to go back to the hotel!" I know baby...mommy wants to cry too. It's okay....
We did have a nice and relaxing time. None of us were ready to come back really. Not that we hate our life or anything, it was just so nice to hang out all day, have all our meals together, play, laugh. Just take it easy. Oh man I think I might cry right now.... But we are back and at least Gary has off until Saturday before we go back to the complete normal routine of things. This vacation has Gary and me already planning our next get away. Haha....... We just love the beach....even not so pretty ones, but in all honesty it was not that bad at all. It served its purpose and we are pleased.
I'm glad you guys had a great time!! Yeah, it sucks to come back to reality. When we went to Vancouver Jimmy had to drag me kicking and screaming. Well, maybe it wasn't that dramatic, but I sure could've stayed.
what a great and sad story. welcome back! planning the next getaway--gives you something to hope for. :)
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