That is the question. I made the mistake of oh so casually mentioning to Gary that perhaps we should buy the girls a wii. I have never played one or even actually seen one but I am aware they exist and from what I have gathered, this wii thing is quite the video game experience. All this wii talk came about because my sister and I are frustratingly tired of coming up with things to keep our wildly, animate, children occupied all day. I guess we were foolish to think swimming was going to keep them happy the entire summer. It hasn't. And we are only 12 days into this summer thing and I know they are already bored. So we were brainstorming one day things we could do to keep these said children from going coo coo all day with unspent energy. Yeah let's put them in an art camp for a week, and then a soccer camp for another week. Blah, blah , blah. And I still will do those as well but those camps only last a few hours a day and for only one week and they are so freaking expensive. So anyhow I don't remember how we got to talking about the wii but both of us agreed this wii thing would be something really fun for them and would definitely keep them busy at the same time. Brilliant! That means out of our hair right??? Right. So like I said I mention this to Gary and his whole face lights up like I just told him he won a million dollars or something and he got all excited and I have not heard the end of it yet. As a matter of fact as I type this he comes in here and tells me he's going to the store to go buy a wii. Yeah right....not so fast mister. I swear there's nothing that makes a grown man act like a child than keeping him from something he wants to do. He cleverly pleads his case for why we should get the wii and I think he thinks his strongest selling point is saying, " and then we can take it around to all the nursing homes to play video games with all the old people". He knows I have a strong affection towards elders and have mentioned the desire I have to do work with the lonely elders in nursing homes. Shame, shame shame. But I am the level headed one in this pact and I don't jump to things as fast as he does. It takes me a long while to analyze all aspects of the situation before I can feel comfortable making a decision. So the many questions I have darting through my mind..... ....is this video game going to make my child mindless? Is she going to prefer the wii to trying to find ways to entertain herself on her own? Am I going to loose my husband to the wii? Is it safe? Is the wii better than watching television? Is it too expensive an item? Do we NEED the wii? I'm sure wii ( haha ) don't. Does this thing cook and clean and fold laundry? I'll go get it right now it if does! So you see, I can see this being something fun for us to do and I am sure I would stay quite entertained by the action that would ensue. But then again I am convinced that it was playing twister that was the catalyst for my husbands back injury and he is just not as agile as he used to be and I don't want a further damaged husband on my hands and have to go through him not being able to move for 2 weeks again. I understand this wii can be quite physical. So I am just not sure what wii ( hahaha ) will do. If you have a wii or have played one let me know. Is it really all that it proclaims?
I say "do it"! I don't think there is much harm in it as long as they are not playing it hours a day. It sounds like good family fun.
(let me know if it's worth the money)
Haha - I'm just imagining all the little old ladies at the nursing homes knocking each other over to be the next one who gets to play the wii.
We've played it several times, and it's pretty fun. They're not cheap (what would Dave Ramsey say??), but it will probably provide a lot of entertainment for the kids. Heck, we used to play Nintendo ALL summer long and we're not screwed up (not REALLY screwed up anyways).
I say if you've got the money lying around go for it. Just remember that it's not just the cost of the console, but also the games and extra controllers, etc. It can really add up after a while. If the kids don't know anything different, you could also always start with an older game system that you get on ebay or something.
We just got a Playstation 3. Phillip got some money for graduation, so I had to make him spend it on himself as a reward for 3 years of hard work! We thought about a wii; however, I didn't think about the long summer ahead for the girls. I didn't grow up with a gaming system, so I didn't think Hannah needed one either. I guess there are probably games that would be age appropriate for her, just not ones that make her expend energy (with the exception of the girls fighting over whose turn it is). Phillip decided to go with the Playstation because he mostly enjoys racing and military games, not the superphysical stuff on wii. (He's lucky enough to not need exercise to stay his skinny self). The other HUGE incentive was that WalMart offered a $100 gift card with purchase of the playstation, which he used to buy accessories (extra controller, cords, remote). It's also is a BluRay player and we needed a new DVD player anyways. That probably won't help you at all, but guys like to think you're the cool wife who will let them get a new toy.
Hey Sara ( Hogan) - Thanks for the comment. I had not actually thought of maybe starting off with something a little less fancy as the wii. That's a great idea. I guess it will depend on how much Gary has his heart set on the wii. But what he says is true...it will definitely come in handy when I need to get things done and the girls can just play bowling or some other cool game. Well you made me want to be a cool wife and let my hubby ( wait I thought this was for the kids ) get a new toy! Congratulations on Phillip finishing up his Masters. I know you played a major part in that!
Sara W. - actually no we don't just have the extra money lying around....we would have to save the money up to get it. I did throw in the whole " What would dave Ramsey say" bit but that does not affect gary so much. Remember....he's the free spirit!
And I told Gary we'd probably injure or possibly pass an old person on making then do something physical like the wii.
Not good.
I'll have to pass on the idea of starting off with an older or possibly used on. I think that's a great idea.
We have one and love it!!!! I would recommend it for anyone. My nephew who is 4 loves it and so does my mother-in-law. I haven't found one person who doesn't like it.
I also heard Wii fit is really cool. I am thinking about buying that after Chase gets here.
I say "do it" too!!!!!!
It's really alot of fun.
Makes you sore the next day but it's worth it. Did you know you can do yoga on it as well?????
i've heard good things about the wii---everyone loving it. never played it though! maybe if you are worried about the "time" spent on it, you could create family time on the wii---or something?
Ironically, I just found this blog from a guy I read on a somewhat regular basis. He's talking more about Wii's "fitness," but I still thought about you. http://www.hanselman.com/blog/WiiFitReview.aspx
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