How do you know the difference between all these bug bites? Last night on our walk Bella was upset because she got tired of walking so she decided to just plop down in the middle of someones front yard. Gary and I keep walking because she already knew we were not going to carry her. She had the option to get in the jogging stroller but chose not to. So we kind of slowly keep walking and I tell her....."okay but the bugs might get you if you don't get up." So she keeps sitting there in the yard and all of a sudden we hear her scream....AHG!!!! THERE'S A BUG ON ME!!! She's freaking out and we are just thinking. DRAMA QUEEN! You would think she would get up and run to us, but No, she keeps sitting there screaming and crying. So I run to get her because, well, maybe there IS a bug on her and she is crying and holding her hand. She said a bug bit her on her hand. Hmm.....I check it out and all looks fine to me. So we keep walking and she finally calms down. Not for long though, but she got upset again for a whole other reason and I'm starting to realize I think we are entering the terrible 3's. I think the 3's are worse than the 2's. Oh Lord Please help me! Anyway, this morning I notice she has this bump on her middle finger and her finger is red and all swollen to her hand. She complains that her hand hurts and she keeps holiding it. Could she have been bitten by a spider or fire ant and having some kind of reaction? I googled ant bites and they say a fire ant bite can be pretty serious. She was stung by a bee before and the same thing happened. It got pretty swollen. How do you know if she's having an allergic reaction? The photo was taken after I gave her a tiny bit of benadryl and the redness and swelling did get a little better. Maybe I should just call her pediatrician.
Can you see where the "bite" or sting is? Is there something you can squeeze?
Joshua - you could see the bite on the top of her nuckle and a tiny white bubble.
OK, I realize I'm a couple days late here... and since I saw you yesterday and you didn't say anything about Bella being in the hospital I assume everything worked out fine :)
I'm pretty sure it's not a spider bite. Spiders have two "fangs," so when they bite, you get two holes. Looks like this is just one hole, so I'd bet it's not a spider. A bee would have left a stinger, so my best guess is that it's just a fire ant bite and that she may be a bit allergic to them.
But I'm not a nurse or anything, so that's just all my conjecturing :)
Yes, Bella was fine. A couple doses of Benadryl and all was well. I think it was a fire ant bite too.
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