I don't know what I would do with out my sister in my life. She is the middle child and lived up to that stereotypical middle child wildness when we were younger. She was pretty mean....it's been said I was afraid of her when we were very little because she would bite me and she was the aggressive one. I guess very early on she established herself as the "Boss". Very little has changed since then regarding that......we are all still afraid of her and we all just do as she says. Ha! It's not usually the way of things but I looked up to her. Yeah she was the little sister but I still did. I was shy, and reserved and never stood up for myself. She was friendly and rebellious, and would tell you if you crossed her against her liking. Yeah...she was the fun one,she was the pretty one. I remember in middle school she had all the boys after her and she was also voted most beautiful at one point. That is so funny to think about now. Michelle, Michelle. We did not always get along or see eye to eye but what sisters are supposed to? It's a miracle her and I are both even alive today. I do remember a night where we wanted some candy really badly( I think it was candy) and we were home alone with a car parked in the driveway and the keys! I don't remember who's idea it was ( I'm going to say hers ) to take the car and drive it to the convenient store but I know we did and I know I did not have a drivers license but I know I drove! I remember almost crashing into a car that had stopped at a red light, but instead of crashing I guess I swerved to avoid hitting it. The weird thing was that there was no way possible I could have avoided hitting that car, but we did. I remember thinking it seemed as though we drove right through it....or it was like someone had picked up the car and had placed it in a way that it avoided a very dangerous scenario.. We were so lucky to have escaped that potentially bad situation with out a wreck, with out getting in serious trouble and with out my parents knowing because I don't think we ever told them.
Happy Birthday to my BIG sister!!!! That blog made me want to cry...so many wonderful memories!!! That was beautifully said...THANK GOD SHE NEVER BIT ME!!!!
Monica, (whaa-whaa-whaa, sniff, sniff)
What an honor it is to have you write about me, I am so touched.
Thank you for lighting my birth-day with love and tenderness this morning. It was so good to reminisce and think about all the fun times we had. I do remember that incident about taking the car out, I remeber it just as you told it, WE HIT THAT CAR......but the angels must have been protecting us.
I love you Monica and I am so thankful to have you as my big sis! (Yes, you fit the stereotypical first child too---best genes, responsible, over achiever, reserved, smart, OBEYS THE RULES)
(wow, I was a fat baby)
Happy Birthday Michelle! I am glad you were already past your 'mean' stage when I met you! hahaha
Sisters are the best!
awww. sniff. i always wanted sisters.....
Dad said he was going to ground you both! ha. ha.
Mom - That's funny. Yall can't read my blog anymore.
I never got to comment on this, so I must add my two or three cents. Thank you Moni for the oppritunity. What a blessed man I am to have such a wonderful lady for a wife. She is my muse, it is her prayers that have changed my heart. Angels really are here amungst us, you just can not always see there wings.
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