So I was impressed by Sara Wingfield and in awe of her cake making abilities....so much so that she has inspired me to make Bella's birthday cake this year. I mean I made Bella a birthday cake before but it was just your average plain jain rectangular pan shaped cake and pink icing....you know...just your average little cake. This year I had the idea of making her a Princess Genevieve from the 12 dancing princesses cake made from the body of the barbie and a cake built around it. I emailed Gary and told him the idea I had for her cake along with a picture I found of one similar to the one I might try and make. He emailed back and said that it was cute and that his mother could probably do something like that and did I want him to ask her if she would. WELL!!!! I say that with an offended look on my face, in case you can't tell. Thank you very much for the vote of confidence babe. I think I might try and handle it myself. I know I am no betty crocker/martha stewart but I think it's lovely the idea of tapping into that creative side of me even though I'm sure it will be quite tricky, but it sure will be fun and made with lots of love and that's gotta taste for something. I'm so excited because I can already see her little face lighting up. Princess Genevieve is her favorite dancing princess and now I can hardly wait! Anyone ever done this?? Any pointers?
awwww - you're sweet :) I'm stoked I inspired someone - I think that makes my day!
Have fun with the princess cake - I know you'll do awesome! I think it's pretty simple - you can buy the shaped pans at Hobby Lobby, and then I think you just dunk a Barbie in the top. May not want to make it her favorite Barbie, though...
Can't wait to see how it turns out!
Oops! There goes my foot straight into my mouth again! hahaha As I said, I didn't catch that you were thinking of making the cake yourself...so I only suggested my mom because I thought it would be less expensive than trying to have it made at a cake shop -- and because she took cake-decorating classes once upon a time and has done wedding cakes and all kinds of birthday cakes. BUT as I said, I think it's sweet that you want to do it and I am sure it will turn out awesome -- Bella will be SOOOO excited she won't even know what to do! (And I still want to lick the icing......) ;-)
You can do it Monica!!! I tried making one of those too for Taylor one year (don't remember why though). I used the glass mixing bowl from Pampered Chef. I have a Recipe Book from Pampered Chef on how to make one. Do you want to look at it?
My mom made me a cake like that for my 10th birthday. I know Wilton makes a pan specifically for that, but a friend of mine used the Pampered Chef measuring bowl too and it worked great. Strip her from the waist down if you can and wrap her with plastic wrap.
You can do it! Yes, Michelle did make Taylor one for her birthday one year. She of course didn't like it but we were amazed. She did a good job. It also tasted good. I think she made her own icing too!!!!!
You can do it! I have faith in ya!
Thanks everyone...I think I will try that pampered chef recipe!! I'll post pics....regardless of what it looks like as a finished product.
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