So I was at the mall today looking for some tennis shoes for Hannah. School starts tomorrow and that is the last thing she is needing before she is all set to go. My wonderful husband accompanied me on this shopping excursion and it makes it so much easier on me to have that extra hand to keep the littlest one occupied while we look around. So I load all of them up with some yummy pretzels and seat them down on a bench while I run a quick errand by myself to return some pants that were the wrong size for Hannah. On my way there I see Payless shoe store and decide to pop in there real quick to check out their selection of fine ( NOT ) shoes. As I am walking in I notice something laying on the floor and when I realize what it is I quickly pick it up. CASH!!!!!!!!!!!! $200.00 cash! 2 Perfect 100 dollar bills folded all nice and neatly. You've got to be kidding me right? I never find cash like that. So I immediately ask my self what I should do with it. Do I turn it in to the store? Do I keep it? Did someone see me pick it up? Is this some kind of hidden camera joke to see if I do the right thing?? My mind is just racing. If I lost 200 dollars I would hope that someone would turn it in so that when I go back looking for it it's there. I quickly go back to where Gary and the girls are and tell him what I found....and Hannah shouts out loud like she's holding a microphone....YOU FOUND 200 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh brother. Gary of course says I should just keep it. Finders Keepers right?? Yeah, but like I said earlier if I lost this much money I would hope someone would turn it in. Such a hard thing to know what is the right thing to do. If I turn it in and no one claims it...surely they will just keep it and why should they keep it, when I found it. If I don't turn it in....what does that say about my character. Again my husband says maybe it's a gift from God. That's nice babe, but I think that's a way of making yourself feel better for keeping something found....but I still was not so sure. So what would you do?? I figured the best thing to do was report that I had found some money to the mall customer service and I left my name and phone number in case anyone reports lost money. If no one claims it, I feel it is mine to keep! Was that the right thing to do??
I guess that is the right thing to do. But I seriously doubt someone will report it. I think anyone that found that would just keep it.
Man, your lucky sister......man your my favorite sister....LOL
I would contact mall security like you said.
I think you did the right thing - mall security is probably the best bet. I'm with you - if I was the one that lost it, I'd be really happy that there was someone honest enough to return it to me.
I would place a bet on a good ball game and double your money!
;) totally kidding
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