Oh wait......that's scrooge and he hates Christmas. Not Halloween. I really dislike Halloween. I am not one of those people that thinks it's evil or that you should not take your kids out for candy or celebrate it because it's celebrating the dead. I mean....for me, as a kid, it was never about that and I am sure my parents were not about celebrating the dead either but we did go trick or treating as kids. I don't think I knew the true meaning of Halloween until I was like 30...well maybe I was not that old. Does that make it okay? I have no idea and I really don't care. I think it has evolved into a past time and something for kids to do and so I don't see any harm in it. Well that's not fully true.....I mean if you were invoking spirits and calling out and praying to the dead or bringing out the Ouija board, then yes.....I would have to say that is going to a dark place with it but to each their own right? I don't know.....maybe it is wrong but I don't have time to go off on that tangent. For me it's not about that............but I digress.
So Halloween.......I really dislike this day. I really just prefer my kids to stay home. Call me a downer, or call me lame, it's just a big nuisance to me. You have to find costumes for your kids and spend at least 20 bucks per costume on something that they will probably only wear one time and they wear it for about one hour and then it's never seen again. Then you have to buy all this candy to give out to crazy kids who are already hyper enough and surely don't need more sugar. Then you have to deal with rude little kids who complain when you don't have the cool candy or whine when you don't give them enough (so they stick their grubby hands in the bowl and grab what they see as fit) or when they have some smart aleck comment about the candy or whatever.......I just want to say to them, " Just be thankful I gave you some.....PUNK!" Just kidding. I would never say that to a child.
Then you have to deal with all the CANDY! If there is any left over I usually eat it all up myself because I don't want to throw it away. Then we have to sift through the bags of candy that the girls will bring home and here comes the hard part. Making them pick only a few pieces out that they can keep since they both will have probably eaten about 20 pieces already and telling them the rest is going to go in the trash. Maybe this year we will tell them we have to give it away to all the little kids that did not get to go trick or treating and maybe they will be okay with it since there is so much talk these days about "redistributing"..... you know taking from those that have and giving to those that don't. Oh.....that was tacky wasn't it??? So.........really the "poor kids" or the "trash" in this scenario will end up being Gary and me and again we will eat up all this candy between the two of us until I literally get sick and throw it in the garbage. And I will be 3 pounds heavier.
So I hope I can lighten up by tomorrow and not be such a Debbie Downer about something that maybe should just be fun for the girls. I hope Bella does not get scared of all the costumes out there because she does not like scary things. She gets pretty terrified......hopefully Gary will get out of work early enough to take them before the older kids get out. Since I was so dreading tomorrow I waited until the last minute to get Hannah a costume and everything was picked over but she set her eyes on a monster bride costume and just had to have it! Oh goodness. That child has a natural tendency towards all things her mommy does not like. Why not a cute cat or a princess or a cheerleader? Those don't appeal to her. So against my better judgement I am letting her dress up like a monster bride. People will probably think I let my kids worship the devil. Haha. Bella is going to be Cinderella.....no wait she's going to be Snow White, no wait she's going to be Princess Alexa...........It's changed about 84 times and today at Target she decided she wanted to be a kitty princess after she said she wanted to be Sleeping Beauty. So we shall see. Maybe I should dress up as a Goth Chic Mother of the Monster Bride. Put on really pale makeup and dark black lipstick and line my eyes with the darkest eyeliner I can find and part my hair down the middle and wear it long and straight. I think that would mortify my kids or at least embarass Hannah. Hmmm.... maybe it's not such a bad idea. Anyone dressing up? Your kids?
Ha ha! You're cracking me up. The redistributing comment has me rolling - PC or not :)
Drew's going to be Chuck Norris - it was easy and cheap. I bought him a black hat and am giving him a 5 o'clock shadow with some old eyeshadow. We'll probably visit our neighbors, but more so I can show off the costume and less about the candy. God knows I've eaten my weight in in already this week.
That's a great idea Melanie....order them after Halloween for next year.
Sara - Chuck Norris is too cute.
We had a blast, too. Tatum was Cindy Lauper - put together at the last minute, thanks to Chris' creativity. The 'flower' costume just wasn't cutting it for me!
Our neighborhood had a little costume get together at the park early, and then we walked to the houses we knew to get Tatum candy (so we could hand it out to other kids..ha), and then sat in our driveway with our other neighbors until we ran out. So much fun. And Tatum was a trooper - up until 9:00 pm. WOW.
However, I do hate buying the candy. I think I spent $30 on 3 bags. Yuck.
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