Thursday, November 13, 2008

Loser Mommy of the Century

I know a few fellow blogger friends of mine have blogged before about being a "loser" mommy. I thought today I would contribute my loser momminess to the world.....and if you ask me I think this far out does said mentioned blogger's loser mommy moments.

I am just beside myself today with an enormous weight of guilt on my heart. It pains me from the top of my head, all the way down to the tips of my toes. I mean of all the horrible things you can do to your kids, I think this is pretty much up there. I will never ever forgive myself for this and all though the entire weight of this is not ALL my fault. It is.

I took Bella to the dentist today and she has CAVITIES!!!! Cavities! Holes in her teeth. And not just 1 either. We're talking multiples here. This has got to be one of the most embarrassing things ever! I mean.....what 3 year old has cavities unless they pretty much sleep with a mouth full of sugar. She might as well have been doing that ya know? I was so heart broken, sad, depressed, guilt stricken. This is horrible.

Gary, he's like. "Oh it's not that big of a deal....there's nothing we can do about it now!" WHAT????? And this is the man that is in charge of brushing her teeth every night before bed time. Can you say FIRED! But I am not saying it's his fault because I admit sometimes in the rush of our morning routine, I sometimes forget to brush poor little innocent Bella's teeth. You might as well call CPS now and report our cruel parenting skills. Poor girl's parents don't take proper care of her poor little, what did they ever do to us, innocent baby teeth. I mean really......what kind of parent lets their child get multiple cavities by the time they are 3! Hannah did not have cavities at age 3 and I did not have a cavity until age 30. This is just beyond unacceptable to me. At this rate by the time she's 5 she's going to have a mouth full of stainless steel teeth.

So there....I am nominating or actually awarding my self for the Loser Mommy of the Century Award!
Shame, shame, shame on me.


Anonymous said...

It's all those sweets she LOVES to death!!!!!! So how many does she have? Will they not fill them? Oh lord....those stainless steel teeth scare me!!!! Kory is real good about little kory's teeth. Taylor on the other have to tell her over and over to brush them.
It will be ok.......I just hope she doesnt have to get silver teeth....hehehe!!!!!

Sara said...

OK, just for the record, you are NOT a loser mommy! I bet you 10 bucks Drew will have cavities before he's 5.

Here's my take on it: first of all, since when does a 3 year old make it easy to brush their teeth? Drew squirms and squirms and I feel lucky if the toothbrush at least gets in his mouth.

Second of all, some people are just prone to cavities and there's nothing you can do about it. (I'm one of those people - Jimmy is not and he loves to gloat about it) The dentist told me one time that I just have "pitty" teeth - the pits in them are so deep that the sugar is just destined to get stuck deep down in there and there's no amount of brushing is going to change that. Maybe Bella has pitty teeth, too.

Third, they're going to fall out. I know, it's a lame excuse, but it's true and I cling to it every night.

On a lighter note.....

You could just embrace the whole metal thing and get her some mega grillz across her front teeth :)

Anonymous said...

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