Well I finally finished all my Christmas decorating. Of course the pics would look better at night all lit up but I did not take those pics. It was a lot of work getting my house Christmas ready. I did my living, kitchen, entryway, stairs and dining room. Thanks mom for all your help! The only thing that bothered me was that the color of my drapes interrupted the flow. I was going to ask Gary to take them down but he's quite grumpy at times and I did not want to ask him to do that. He was already frustrated with me for getting silver spray paint on the wood bench in the back yard. Oops! RELAX BABE......it will come out! I kind of went a little spray paint happy. I love spray paint and it's a cheap instant fix. Now I'm afraid I will want to leave the deco up all year. That should be fine right?
It looks beautiful!! Great job!
Gary's always such a nice guy when I see him - I find it hard to believe that he ever gets grumpy. Ha ha
Sara - He has everyone so fooled.
Monica Ann be nice!!!!!!!
Your decorations look great! Good Job!
You want me to take down the drapes?!?!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!?!? : )
No, really babe, if you wanted me to do that you should have said so -- it's not that big of a deal. And I got done everything else that you asked me to, didn't I? And it's certainly no excuse, but I think I may have been a little grumpy the past couple of weeks because I don't like to see you so STRESSED OUT -- it puts me on edge right along with you.
Oh, and the house really does look great -- I think you are evolving into the hispanic Martha Stewart! And I'm fine with you just leaving all the Christmas stuff up year-round!
Hispanic Martha Stewart???
Michelle wants to be Martha Stewart.
you are hilarious. no wonder you stressed out about decorating - spray paint? what the heck are you painting to decorate!? :) no need to be crafty - buy it all! haha. jk. it looks beautiful.
my mom had a friend that loved her tree so much she decided to keep it up & make it a seasonal tree. we had our wedding shower at her house, and she decorated it with my wedding colors and invitations. LOL. you could do that. :)
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