I have been so busy this week trying to get my house decorated for our Large Family Christmas Party that is being held at Casa de Clifton this Saturday. This is the first time I have ever really decorated for Christmas besides a Christmas tree. Man! It's a lot of work.....and an expense. Unfortunately my vision (as in what I wanted my house to look like) is quite larger than my budget so there is a large discrepancy. Hopefully tonight when Gary gets the tree set up.......(PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE babe set up the tree for me) that will tie it all together. It's going to have to do because I've just about done all I can. I STILL have not gotten that wave of holiday cheer that comes with the Holidays but I am trying to stay positive and not get overwhelmed. But I am. I am very overwhelmed. I can't wait until January when things can get back to normal. Next up will be the Church House decorations. I was supposed to get that done this week too but it looks like that is not happening. Sorry Church house, I know you are begging to be dressed in your holiday cheer too. How do I get into the spirit. What do people do? Do I need to listen to Christmas Music? That's kind of strange to do in 80 degree weather. How do people get into the spirit?? Maybe I'm trying too hard.

oh we LOVE to decorate our house! we did it all on sunday - and all i need are a few more candles, but i should be good.
holiday music and a starbucks holiday coffee are what get me in the mood. :) well in the christmas mood.......and maybe another mood, too. ha.
Yes, holiday music is nice, the cold weather has been nice and seeing all the houses with lights gets me in the mood. Like I told you earlier this year I'm really excited about the holidays. Relax, everything will be fine and dandy. Maybe your not in the mood because you won't be with your family this X-mas?????? HUM???? Maybe??????
I'm trying to get into the spirit, but it IS hard when it's 80 degrees outside... and the season is so short this year! Or so it seems. It's been fun trying to teach Drew about all the Christmas traditions, which has been about the only thing putting me in the mood lately. I still have my Thanksgiving decorations out everywhere. Sad, I know!
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