Uno dos tres qatro cinco seis ocho nocho nueve diez! Haha.... Sorry I just think that is the funniest thing. That's how Bella counts to 10 in spanish...and she is so proud of herself. That sweet little thing makes my heart smile. But I'm not bragging.
Gary has been after me to update that we are NOT getting rid of my car after all. No, it was not because I said I was going to cry, it was because it just makes more sense financially to have the maintenance work it requires than to try to trade it in and be all crazy. So it's staying with us. And yes, I am smiling all though I would have been quite all right had we had to trade it in. Sometimes Gary does things or wants to do things with out thinking it all the way through...he just focuses on one aspect of the problem but together we were able to think about this very thoroughly and are 100% confident in our choice. It feels so good when a problem arises and we are able to tackle it together. I must say we are a great pair. But I'm not bragging.
Our 5 year anniversary is fast approaching and we are hopefully going to go somewhere alone! Yay. I am so excited and so looking forward to this. We do want to be as frugal as possible but still do something nice and relaxing. More than likely though we will have to celebrate it in March a whole month early just because it will be easy to travel while Hannah is on spring break. Tennessee is still in the back of my mind but so is going back to FL. where we got married and hanging out on the beach for a few days. I know I already said it but I can't wait. We are so fortunate to be able to do this. But I'm not bragging.
I am looking into taking a pilates class and was wondering if anyone who might read this might have any useful info on the matter. My current exersice routine is not cutting it. I have grown immune to the treadmill and for some reason am putting on weight even though I exercise. So maybe I need to switch it up a bit and incorporate 1-2 days of something different. ... I don't this point I think I am thinking out loud. But I do want to trim up a bit and not just do cardio anymore. If we're going to the beach in a month or so I definitley need to get bathing suit ready but am confident I could do it if I really put my mind to it and hopefully look reasonably good for being 33! But I assure you I'm not bragging.
ooo....if you find a pilates class - let me know!
I've never done it, but pilates sounds fun. And just for the record, I think you look great... for 33 or any other age :)
You do look great and I would never guess you to be almost 33. I love TN. I also love the beach! I grew up taking girls shopping trips to Gatlinburg. It was so fun. I have always wanted to take Justin there. It would be super romantic. You could maybe rent a cabin in the mountains. Go to and check some out.
Thanks Sara and Amanda. That's sweet. And thanks for the link.
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