I bought this book The Complete C.S Lewis Signature Classics and have been anxiously waiting to read it. It has about 7 of his books all in one, two of which I have already read ( Mere Christianity, A Grief Observed) but finally was able to start it and I chose to start with The Problem of Pain. I am on the 2nd chapter and I am already blown away by it. Blown Away. I do not understand why everyone has not read C.S Lewis. I think it should be required reading when becoming a Christian. He has the most perfect ability to make some of the most valid questions a Christian or even non christian might have and explaining it to it's core in a way that our minds can grasp. Well at least he does this for me. If ever I could use the word brilliant, on him would it be most appropriate. I can't even seem to move past this one paragraph because I am just in awe of his writing. It's weird. I could almost say I love this man and I don't even know him. Well not physically anyway. I kind of do feel like I know him. I think I might be obsessed with him...haha. It's amazing to me that a writer or anyone for that matter could have this much of an impact on me. The book that I just finished ended with the last few moments of C.S Lewis life and I actually cried. Real Tears. He's just a brilliant man.
Here are the last few paragraphs that I just read that just has me in awe again of him and his writing. He's trying to explain GODS power and that saying in scripture that with GOD all things are possible.
It is common enough, he says, in argument with an unbeliever, to be told that God, if He existed and were good, would do this or that;and then,if we point out that the proposed action is impossible, to be met with the retort "But I thought God was supposed to be able to do anything". This raises the whole question of impossibility.
His Om-nipotence means power to do all that is intrinsically possible, not to do the intrinsically impossible. You may attribute miracles to Him, but not nonsense. This is no limit to His power. If you chose to say, "God can give a creature free will and at the same time withhold free will from it", you have not succeeded in saying anything about God;meaningless combinations of words do not suddenly acquire meaning simply because we prefix to them the two other words "God can". It remains true that all things are possible with God:the intrinsic impossibilities are not things but nonentities. It is no more possible for God than for the weakest of His creatures to carry out both of the two mutually exclusive alternatives; not because His power meets an obstacle, but because nonsense remains nonsense even when we talk it about God.
He also says - The absolutely impossible may also be called the intrinsically impossible because it carries its impossibility within itself, instead of borrowing it from other impossibilities which in turn depend on others. It has no unless clause attached to it. It is impossible under all conditions and in all worlds and for all agents. "All agents" here includes God himself.
Isn't that good stuff?? I can't wait to finish the book.
Okay, the lesson here is NOT to use the word impossible (with God) because with God all things are "possible" (Mark 10:27). Is that right? Impossible is impossible no matter what. Is that what these two paragraphs are saying? Or am I completely wrong?) Just want to be clear, it is really too early for my mind to read something so complex. ;) Leave it to Monica to thoroughly LOVE this kind of writing. My smart sister.
Oh NO sister. I have to read and read and reread just one line sometimes just to get what he's saying and then I am not even sure I do.
I started reading Mere Christianity a few years ago and could only get through the first 2 or 3 pages - it was so deep and thought-provoking that I felt I could only take it a very small chunk at a time. I wholeheartedly agree that he's a brilliant writer, and like you, I find myself reading and re-reading over and over to digest what he's saying. I should really finish that book...
Sara I've read Mere Christianity 3 times and will probably read it again!
When you've finished C.S. Lewis, you need to read Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He has changed the way Phillip and I see Christianity altogether.
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