Our 5 year anniversary trip is finally here. It seems like we have been thinking about this trip for quite a while. I'm excited and nervous but just so you know, NO I don't feel bad. This morning my mom asked me if I felt bad for going on this trip and leaving the girls. To which I replied, NO! I don't feel bad, but I am a little sad. Should I feel bad?? I mean it's not like Gary and I leave the girls all the time. We've never left them except for 1 night last year to celebrate our 4 year anniversary when we stayed down town. So no, I'm not going to feel bad for this one. I think we deserve a few nights to ourselves. I do pray that Bella will be okay because she is pretty attached to me and does not usually fall asleep unless I am beside her. If she is exhausted she will. Anyhow tomorrow we leave and will drop the girls off at his parents, stay the night there and take off early Sunday morning. We'll make the 8 hour drive to Biloxi to make it in time for check in. I know, Biloxi is not the ideal place to go for a romantic get away but it was to us the best place to go with in driving distance from his parents where we could still be on the beach and in a nice little city as well. They have a casino and spa in the hotel so we will have plenty to do. Anywhere Gary and I have ever gone together we have had a great time and just make the most of it. This morning I was remembering our trip we took to New Orleans when I was pregnant with Bella and we had the best time ever. I loved that city and almost considered going back but decided to go some place new. We've been to New Orleans twice already and I think we have had some our our best meals in that city! I love it, it's so romantic. I hope to go back there some day. We've already done FL. and we considered TN but there are no beaches in TN so Mississippi it is. I figure one day we will do a couples spa package and get massages and one day if the weather permits we could just hang out all day on the beach. Maybe catch up on some reading, maybe play a game of scrabble, maybe just nap! Who knows. I know they have a casino in the hotel we are staying so I'm sure we'll do a little gambling, but probably just on the slot machines. We're not big gamblers. I know we will have a good time and just get to enjoy each others company for a few days with out any kids distracting us. Not that we don't love them but if you have kids, you know what I mean. Pray we have safe travels.
Hey, that sounds like a fun trip!! I had no idea Biloxi had any attractions like that much less a beach!
We are going to New Orleans in July for a day trip then onto FL. What are your recommendations for restaurants in NO? I've only been there once before for an afternoon so I wanted James to see it too.
Wooohooo!!! You guys will have a fantastic time. Catch a few rays of sun for me, too :)
And don't feel bad for leaving the girls... you guys are great parents and totally deserve time away. I know I come back from vacation a better mommy because I've had some time to unwind and appreciate the kids more.
Enjoy your time away!
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