You know sometimes situations arise and you are forced to make a decision but it just does not seem like there is a clear right or wrong thing to do. I have a scenario and let's just call it hypothetical. Okay let's not call it that because it is actually a real scenario and I really am torn on what the "right" thing is to do. I'm not even sure there is a right or wrong thing to do.
So we have this lady that we have been using that comes and cleans our house once a month. She does the major things that I just don't have time for, well I should be completely honest she comes and does the things I am too lazy to do. I have the time, I just don't want to do it. But I digress..... I started using her after my mom some how started using her and she was also cleaning my sisters house so I figured she could be trusted. She was not with an agency or anything and while I never out right asked my mom if she was "illegal", I knew there was a chance that she was but you never want to assume that just because someone is mexican and speaks only spanish and demands to be paid in cash.... that they are illegal. So anyway in talking to my sister today she made a comment and I already forgot how it even got brought up but that my mom had told her that this lady in fact is illegal and that her husband had gotten deported back to mexico and she is trying to hire someone " A COYOTE", I've never heard that word before, but she was trying to hire one to get her husband to smuggle him back to the US. WHAT??? Okay so here is where I wrestle with what the right thing is to do. Do I keep employing someone I know is here working and living illegally??? Is that wrong? Can I get in trouble for that? Am I breaking a law?? Or do I just help her out and give her work because she does have a little boy to feed?? She brought him here one time while she cleaned. Doesn't GOD command us to love thy neighbor above all else?? Wouldn't it be cruel to tell her.....Sorry lady you can not come clean my house because you are living and working here illegally. To me that just seems mean. Yet, am I breaking some kind of law by fully knowing I am paying someone that is here illegally for a service to benefit me. I don't know....I just don't know if there is a wrong or right. To me it seems like the right thing is to not employ her anymore but then it makes me feel bad for thinking that is the right thing to do. Maybe it's not. I honestly don't know. Sometimes things are not so black and white.
I dont think you are suppose to justify anything that is illegal. Unfortunate.
I do think it's against the law to hire someone knowing they're illegally in the country.
Legalities aside, I personally wouldn't hire someone I knew was illegal, despite the fact that she has a son to care for. There are a whole lot of reasons, and I could probably soapbox on that all day long, but I'll spare you :)
Tough call!!! I say you do what you feel is the right for you. Do what your mind tells you. If you listen to your heart (emotions) it makes life more complicated.
If you let her go, she'll find another house to clean, maybe not immediately but she will.
Trust your initial instinct. Surely I've been no help, ha!
Karina - that's probably the best advice anyone can ever give.
To listen to your head and not your heart. So true.....we should not act out of emotions!
I don't know though, its illegal to 'hire', but you aren't a company or doing a payroll for her where she had to PROVE her citzenship, right? So, isn't it like helping out a friend?
Tough call.
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