Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Life for the Clifton Family has been so crazy and busy the last couple of weeks it seems like there is something to do every single day or evening. Whew..... I am exhausted and I notice when I am exhausted I tend to be more anxious and stressed and my twitching flares up. I am definitely ready for Summer and to slow down! Soccer season has ended, my pilates class ended, my women's weekly bible study has ended, school is ending....Hello relaxing Summer. Or at least that's what I hope for anyway. I am so looking forward to sleeping in and not having to wake up and get Hannah fed and make her lunch and get her to school. Blah blah blah.... anyhow...you get the drift.
I joined the Y in Buda for the Summer time! They have a great little pool area for kids with fun slides and water falls. I figure I could get my yoga/pilates done early in the mornings and then take the girls swimming afterwards. I'm really excited because not only do they have pilates but they have aerobics classes, salsa aerobics, body sculpting, spin classes, kick boxing and tons of other classes. AND my hubby said he would do a yoga class with me on his days off and I think that is going to be so fun! Haha.....but I'm not sure he would appreciate me spilling that little secret. Sorry babe. But you should know by now some secrets just are not safe with me.
And what kind of mother would I be if I did not brag on my kiddos just a smidgen. I'm always a little weary of bragging because it seems when I do then the thing I seem to brag about always goes down hill or I end up eating my words. So I'll just call it....recognizing, or acknowledging a good work. I know I know, roll your eyes but this is what blogs are for right?? I am sooooo proud of Hannah! She did really well this year playing on the Academy league. They worked so hard and she grew 100 times in her ability. Last night at the awards ceremony the last award given by her coach was to a team member that he wanted to recognize because this girl had a positive attitude all the time and never complained and always did what was asked of her and played where she was needed and so on and so on and while saying all this I did not expect him to say her name. So when he did I was just over come with Joy! I think that was the most proud of her that I had ever felt! Well that's not true I was pretty proud of her last Sunday when she was baptized OH and also today when she got an award at school for having All A Honor Roll ALL YEAR!!!! That is no small feat for them. I'm just a proud mama right now and I owe it all to GOD because I know it's by his hand alone that she has had such an amazing year. So there....I'm done being proud. I think I'll just be thankful.

Hannah getting baptized
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I could take a few lessons from Hannah. Especially the one about always having a positive attitude and never complaining.
What a great picture!! Memories for a life time. You deserve to be proud. Hannah is smart, sweet, and easily to get along with. I've interacted with her on multiple occasions. Good job mom - keep up the good work.
Oh my goodness, this just makes me want to cry. Hannah is a big girl & made a big girl decision about baptism -- how life changing. Love you.
That is just awesome! I am so proud of her, and all of her accomplishments this year. You have a right to brag!! Good job, mom!!
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