This is our current countertop in our kitchen. I'm not going to say white ceramic tile as a countertop and back splash is hideous because we all have our "taste" but it just doesn't work for me. The grout is dirty and dirt and stains show up no matter how many times a day I spray them with clorox cleaner. I did not like it when we bought the house and it was one of the things we said we were going to change. And I am happy to say.....It's time for that change!

This is also the sink that was in the house when we bought it and it's old and also stained and despite the fact that I too spray this many times a day with the clorox bleach cleaner, it just does not stay white and sparkling clean. So that's a changing too!
But I have to say that my least favorite part of the kitchen is the backsplash. I just laughed when I saw it when we looked at this house because the house we had before this one had the same exact tile backsplash ( except blue ) and we had to change that one out too. Bye Bye green tiles.

I can't wait to have our new and improved kitchen. We picked out our counter top and it's a beautiful black granite. Upon first glance you would just say it's black but it has some beautiful color variations that will go nicely with our stainless steel appliances. The official color of it is black pearl. The new backsplash will be slate tiles that also have lots of color variations that will pick up some of the color in the countertop. Here is the granite.

I ordered our sink online yesterday which is also a black granite sink. I unfortunately was not able to get either one of the ones I posted on but the one I did get was more similar to the top picture than the bottom. It also is bigger than the other 2 and we got it at a GREAT price with free shipping! Can't beat that. I am so excited to get started and see it all together. I hope it looks as nice in reality as it does in my head! I am sure there will be more posts to come about the remodel. Especially since my jack of all trades husband decided to do the demolition part himself to save us a little money. So yeah, he'll be tearing out old contertops and backsplash, and removing the old sink. I'm only slightly nervous.
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