Don't worry I don't give any of the story away......
So I read the book My Sister's Keeper over the span of about 5 days. I was not really even sure I wanted to read it but I knew the movie was coming out and I figured I might as well since my mom had the book and books are usually better than the movie. As soon as I started reading it, I wanted to hurry up and finish it. And I don't mean that in a good way. I don't know if it was the style of the writing, or that I read it even though I usually don't like fiction or that it was not something written by C.S Lewis but I was just completely bored. I forced my self to finish it though because I guess I can't just stop something that I started. I have to go full circle. For some reason though I just never really connected to the book or the characters, even though at times the story was very grabbing. I can think of maybe 4 or 5 scenes in the book that were really really good. Other wise the writer fell short for me. I like books whose words come alive and who phrase things so beautifully that it's like reading art. I mean I could still envision what I was reading in my head but they already had faces and to me that took away from it a bit. Most of the time, I was just longing to get to the end so I could know what happens and be done with it. Maybe it was too many story lines going on at once when she could have had a more narrow focus to really make an impact with that story. Don't get me wrong.....I shed some tears but for what that story was, I should have been sobbing. I don't know.....I'm no writer and I am definitely no literary critic either. I'm just a stay at home mom, whom some think rank at the lowest end of the totem pole, who thought it looked like a good movie and possibly a better book but, I was wrong. I don't feel any better or like I improved myself for having read it and so to me it just seems like a waste of time. I wonder if this time the movie might be better.
I read this book several years ago, and it was the one that got me hooked on Jodi Picoult's writing. I remember thinking at the time what a good movie it would make, too.
I admire that she can write her stories from so many different people's perspectives. It made me realize that when there it a traumatic event, people react in different ways, and it doesn't mean anyone is right or wrong for how they deal with things. It's just their way of dealing with it.
I'm glad there are different types of literature out there for different tastes. Sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as I did. I hope the movie lives up to it too.
Julie - One of my very favorite people in the whole wide world LOVES this author. She has read all her books and she said that she really just connects with her writing and the story and gets so into it that she just can't put the book down. She is an avid book reader. I think I am going to try to read another one of her that I don't have any expectations for and one that I know nothing about. My mom had told me that there was a twist at the end of the book and I think part of it was that i was just so anxious to get to the end that it kind of messed up the whole thing. Does that make sense? I think I still woudl like to see the movie.
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