I finished my desk remodel project for my Hannah. She will be so excited to finally have a real desk in her room. I put the final coat of the polycrylic and it is drying as I speak. This sure was a learning experience and I really loved doing the work. I stressed about the quality of my work but had to settle for the fact that I'm not a pro yet so there are going to be a few imperfections. It gives it character, right? My dad stopped by yesterday before it was all the way finished and he was so enthusiastic about it and thought it was just Awesome! He loved it. My Hubby on the other hand never really shared his opinion ( other than to say what was wrong with it) other than he did not care for the decorative paper but said it was fine. My mom stopped by last night and did not really say anything much either, so when I prodded for her opinion, I said, "you don't like it, do you?" To which she wrinkled her face and said, " Why did you put that paper on it?" Hahaha...okay fine whatever, the paper was a mistake. You live and learn right? Then she mustered a, " it looks good".....yeah......right. Her face told a completely different story. But I guess that's what happens when you do something and you put it out there for people to see. They don't have to love it. But I DO.
It looks wonderful! I cant wait to see it in person. Are you going to cut a piece of glass for the top? I know you mentioned that before, so she can put pictures and so forth underneath. Is that why you put paper?
I think it looks great. Love the addition of the paper too - that's a big trend right now. I think adding a piece of glass on top would be nice.
Yes, we ordered the glass piece. That way she can put picture underneath and the paper will kind of serve as a background.
It looks awesome!! And my favorite part is the paper. You picked a good one.
Great job!!
I REALLY like it. I LOVE the paper! With glass on top, it will look sooo cute with pictures. Great job! Hannah will love it!
Hannah will think its just perfect. She is smart, and will be grateful knowing her momma fixed it up for her with her own two hands. Lots of love put into it. Thats all that really matters.
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