Saturday, March 29, 2008

April 18th

So I'm mentally preparing myself for the weekend of April 18th. Why? Because my gallant husband informed me he asked his parents to come down for that weekend to stay with the girls so we can celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary. Yeah!!!!! I'm thinking we will get to go out to dinner to a really nice restaurant and have a great date night. I'm delighted. He tells me not only that, but we are going to go "away" for a night. WHAT????? A rush of emotions envelop me and my brain first goes to.......BUT we can't leave Bella alone over night! Are you crazy?? I've grown accustom to the fact that every other weekend Hannah is with her dad and I'm used to that, and besides she is almost 8 and is old enough for a night away from me...but Bella??? Oh man....I have not spent a night away from her yet and the very thought is overwhelming. He then tells me this is why he is giving me a few weeks to mentally prepare because we are going to have an entire evening to ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I am ecstatic at the idea of that...but to think that Bella might cry for me at bedtime is more than I can handle. How will she function with out me??? I know, I know that's silly and I need to get over it...right? She's a big girl ...not a little baby. But it's still hard for me because she is after all MY baby. At the same time, I am completely excited about getting to do something out of the ordinary and getting my husbands full and complete attention with out being interrupted by the kids. Wow....we will be able to have a conversation with out being interrupted 37 times. Wow......we will get to enjoy eachother's company. Wow....this is going to be.......I don't even know the word to describe what it's going to be, so we shall see.


Sara said...

Yayyy! I'm so glad you guys are going to have some time away. I know you'll do just fine away from Bella, and she'll probably have a great time with her grandparents. When we were away from Drew, he didn't even miss us. It made me kind of sad for me at first, but then when we got home he was soooo happy to see us: I knew "grandma" would never take my place in his heart.

Enjoy your time away together... if "away together" makes any sense - lol.

Anonymous said...

Neat! Fill us in where you go. Have fun and happy almost anniversary to you.


Summer said...

That's great Monica! I think I might be in the same boat as you in about one month. Chris and I have a conference to attend to and babies aren't allowed...PLUS I'm still nursing twice a day. GREAT time to ween Tatum....but also GREAT time to transition to her staying with someone else overnight. Tears welled up as we thought of keeping Tatum with Amanda for two nights....I know I can do this. I MUST if I ever want some alone husband time. Still breaks my heart though...

Monica said...

Crazy how one thing can tug both ways at your heart. Lets just say WE can do this.
: )

Anonymous said...

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