So Gary is always looking for ways to save us some money. He called me today to ask me if I thought he would be a goof if he drove a Corolla. His latest idea is to trade in his truck and take advantage of a special their dealership is about to run and lease a corolla for 3 years. Payment would be an extremely affordable $185.00 per month. Can you believe that? I did not think it was possible to have a car payment that low. This deal could really work for us ( instead of us working for our cars )since he really only uses his truck to drive to work and home. If we go anywhere as a family it's in my car. Plus this lil car gets 35 miles per gallon. Nice. It would surely save us some money every month.
Howbeit he does not WANT to drive a corolla....it's just something he would do for a few years so we can quickly Dave ramsify our life. Short term sacrifice,live like no one else, so that we can live like no one else. He is even willing to endure countless jokes about his manhood from other family members....cough,cough Joshua.
So I say.....we are not the car we drive! But I am curious to see what my hubby will do. I told him it's up to him...whatever he chooses I will support him. And I won't think he is less of a man....
Neither will we! Better yet he should buy a clunker to get to work in. You think about it, $183 a month is $2196 a year X 3 years is $6588. Just buy a $2000 dollar car and be done with it! hahaha
Well maybe you should say neither will YOU. Because you're husband is already challenging his manhood.
AND can you imagine the headache of having to drive a car that only cost 2,000. I just imagine it constantly breaking down and being a headache to repair. I think Gary should just drive home a different car from the lot every night. And then the next day put it back.
There you go, problem solved! :)
We've never had nice cars. We were blessed with the deal we got on the van in the time of need, not want. The car Patrick has gets him from point a to b and meets our needs. Then we have the van. We plan to drive it "into the ground". It’s a dependable van and so is his car. In order for us to have the life we feel is best for our family like me staying home with Abigail we choose to make sacrifices. Well, I should say they aren't really sacrifices. It doesn't bother me. They meet the needs of our family and we are thankful. We’ve even talked about trading the van in to lower the payments to save but to get a car/van that is dependable like is hard to find. There are things we are doing now that we hope not to be doing for a long time buts its a choice we make now to get out of debt and be in better shape in the future. That is a great price for a brand new car and it sounds like it would help you out in the long run like you said. It’s a sharp looking car. Don’t let anyone get to you about what you two decided together to do what you feel is best for your family. God will honor your “sacrifice” and dedication to getting finances in order. Just think where you could be at financially in three years. That’s something to be proud of.
O.k. I do have to ask, since we are all talking of the "Ramsey" way being the meat behind this course here, what does ole-Dave have to say about leases?
I am am in the agreement with the other sister (My Luscious Wifie) Why not just take a loan for $7500, finance at 36 months and have a TRUCK paid for in three years, with a payment around $215, that will still be in your drive way at the end of the term, (did I say paid for?) Lord knows with Gary's inside connection, he can pick up a really nice trade in for around $7k?
What say you Clifton Clan?
p.s. Gary is still my hero. (even if he drives a Corolla)
Good point Mr. Carpenter. You are right to question Dave's stance on leasing -- he is adamantly against it. But he is also adamantly opposed to any financing/debt, as you propose. The only acceptable option in his philosophy is to pay cash (which we agree with and is our ultimate goal). So if we were truly subscribing 100% to his teaching, we would go with Michelle's suggestion and buy a $2000 vehicle. Where I differ with Dave is in his failure to consider the costs of maintenance and repairs on a $2000 car... That could be because I got burned doing that a few years ago (remember my '92 4Runner? I paid $2500 for it, and drove it for about 8 months before it needed a new engine (which cost $2000!!)) That said, we won't really be far enough along on his program to pay cash for a decent vehicle for me for a couple of years (we need to pay off Monica's first), so I am just looking for the overall cheapest transportation option until we get to that point. BTW, the other finance/consumer advice guru I listen to, Clark Howard, is also opposed to leasing, with one exception -- a manufacturer's subvented lease like this one. He says those can be a great deal. But I am still wavering -- I really like my truck...but I am trying to keep telling myself to think of it as "just transportation" -- that's hard to do for someone in the car business!
Thanks Melanie. I am sure Gary won't base his decision on what anyone else says ( right babe??) and like always the decision will be based on what is best for our little family.
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