Sunday, June 22, 2008
Silly Issues
What is the biggest( but silliest) thing you and your hubby or wife argue about and just can not agree on? Like for instance, for Gary and me it is what temperature to keep the thermostat on. I prefer 78, he probably would have it on like 70. Who should win in that situation? Do we meet somewhere in between? Naturally I think all my ways are best and surely does he......but the temperature is ALWAYS a point of contention for us. Even in the car....we just simply can never agree on it. This goes for the winter time as well. Now I am not saying this causes major fights or anything because it does not, it's just one of those things ya know. I think the wife should always get her way. That's just my complete unbiased opinion and it's not because I am the wife. If I was the husband I would still feel this way. For real! Should we just alternate days......Like Monday, Wednesday, Friday and half of Sunday I get it my way and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and the last half of Sunday he get his? I know this may seem completely silly but I always wonder if other couples have this same issue or are we the only silly one? I think this should be a prerequisite in pre-marital counseling that the Pastor should touch on. So that if yall can't agree on it before you get married then you have the option to say, " Sorry babe, but we just are not temperately compatible" " I got to let you go". How do you solve your silly issues?
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that is soo funny! We too, argue about this situation and I never really put any thought as to how we should fix it. I too, like it 78, he likes it 72, we should meet half way......75????? That is still so cold though, hmmmmm, yes, I agree the wife should get her way :)
our silly issue now in life i think is what time we go to bed. by 10:00 pm, I'm ready for lights out....well, with Chris' schedule, he has just gotten home about 9:30 pm--trying to wind down, do our devos, and sometimes even eat dinner. A lot of times, he'll come to bed with me so I don't have to go alone, and later in the night, he gets up to check his email or play on photoshop. :)
78???? Justin and I turn our's up to 72 when we are gone during the day (if we remember) and 66 in the evenings!!!! Push it down to like 74.
We're lucky that we both like the house around 73. Our silly issue is probably who gets up with Drew when we've stayed up late the night before. We start nonchalantly poking each other under the covers hoping that the other will wake up and take care of him. I usually win... 'cause I'm stubborn like that - lol
Amanda - 66!! Whoa...that is chilly. Amazing how everybody is different. I know when I was pregnant I had to have the house Arctic cold! I froze everyone.
Sara - Well now you have a great reason to make Jimmy get up with Drew at night. You'res so tired from being pregnant all NEED your sleep. See pregnancy does have it's upsides.
Summer - It's amazing to me how every couple probably has their own little issues. I never thought about how it would be if Gary and I had really different schedules. I would not like to go to bed with out Gary either.
Michelle - I don't think I will ever find anyone else in this entire world that is as much like me( but also very different) as you are! Thank GOD for sisters.
Love you
Well looking at the bright side at least we only have one degree difference in our preference -- not six like the Carpenters! But I guess my (selfish) thinking is that it is easier for the person that is slightly cold to use more blankets or cover themselves more (like I did when you were pregnant and wanted the house like 60 degrees all the time), than for the person that is slightly warm to sleep with no covers? AND studies have shown that being slightly cold is better for a good night's sleep!: "Research has shown that poor sleepers are more likely to complain of being too hot rather than too cold, so it might help to keep temperatures low in the bedroom. A room temperature of around 18C (64F) is thought to be ideal." And we have this in common -- we would both be suffering from hypothermia if we ever stayed at the Gregory's house! That aside, one degree isn't really that big of deal to me -- if it makes that big of a difference to your sleeping comfort, I can deal with leaving it on 78. : )
64 degrees sounds great for sleeping all cozy under the covers... the problem is that I could never get out of the warm bed!
Babe there's more than a 1 degree difference with our preference. If it was just one degree it would not be an issue!
What did you do...research or something.
You crack me up.
OMG...78 is too hot....sorry I'm a little late on this but I had to comment too. We argue about the temp too. He likes it on 78 and I like it at about 73-74, its cool but not to cool. I think keeping it that warm is silly, I hate to be hot, but then I hate being cold and keeping it at about 73, 74, 75 is nice and comfy.
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