The past week I was consumed with a task I had been given. A task so daunting ,just because it was a lot of work, that I did not know how I would accomplish it. Yes, I was given the duty of decorating for our Church's first ever Vacation Bible School. Or for you seasoned church goers VBS! Actually I should not say I, but we. There was a decorating team of 4 women ( all though it ended up being 3) and we had to deck the place out to the Theme of Outrigger Island. I had to order all the decorations and make the place look islandy (not a real word I'm sure) and fun for the kids. It was so stressful for me because when I do something, I want to do it right. I want it to look good and I add all this pressure to myself that makes me not very fun to be around because it is so consuming and it zaps all my energy that I hardly have anything else to give. I don't do well with having a task that takes me away from my normal routine because I get so enthralled in it because I have to make sure everything turns out just right. That is not to say I don't enjoy it or that it was a nuisance. It gave me a great respect for women who work away from home or who juggle more than just being a stay home mom. This task was only made more complicated by the fact that we were on a super strict budget that was no where near what we needed to Island up the place. Let me say the money we were allotted did not buy very much and had we only had the decorations I purchased with that money the decorations would have been way less than spectacular. But the LORD is faithful and we were able to have a bunch of decorations donated from another Church in town that had their VBS a few weeks before and that was our life saver. We got palm trees, we got a volcano, we got posters and a huge beautiful hand painted picture that looked like the sun setting over the ocean that served as our backdrop. We got all kinds of stuff that made me feel like a child on Christmas day when I saw it all. So it was pretty much 4 days of hours and hours of tacking, cutting, improvising, hammering, taping, crumpling, sorting, hanging, gluing, stapling, and sweating! My fingers and fingertips never hurt so much before. The funny thing is that I actually enjoyed doing all of it, but I did feel guilty that it took up so much of my time and energy. It was a great relief to have gotten it all done because there were moments where I honestly thought there was just no way we would have it all finished in time. But we did and it was a wonderful feeling to accomplish a task given. Was I completely satisfied with the end product? NO, but that is just my nature to always feel like it could have been better, or I could have done more. I hardly ever feel what I do is good enough but I pray I did the best I could with what I was given and to see all the kids there today having fun and learning more about GODS truth and the Love he has for them. It made the task all the more fulfilling.
p.s oh and I could not have done this with out my wonderful hubby. That man can hang anything!
Growing up, I helped my dad with VBS set up every summer. It was both daunting but rewarding as you said. I'm sure what you did looked great. :)~Julie
We call it the church house too.
: )
isn't that funny! we call it the church house, too.
How lucky they are to have you gals to volunteer your time. You created a place for kiddos to come, have FUN, see that serving Christ is FUN, and all because of your efforts to put up decorations. Kids will remember VBS forever.
Very neat my friend. :)
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