So there's this article that talks about a new trend in nursing I find kind of disturbing. Nursing in the first place can be kind of strange. Before I had Hannah I thought there was no way I would ever breast feed. It just seemed gross and weird and it made me uncomfortable. I had made up my mind I was NOT going to do it but then she was born and they encouraged me to just try and then it seemed so natural and sweet and I felt such a closeness and an immediate bond. So neither of my girls ever had a bottle or formula. It worked for me but I respect it's a woman's right to choose what is right for her and her child. Anyhow now there's a trend of woman breast feeding kids that are not their own. That is so strange to me......I wouldn't want any other woman trying to breast feed my child and I surely don't want to nurse some strangers child. What in the world?? Ewwww!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes me think of that movie The Hand that Rocks the Cradle. Now if they can find a way for my husband to nurse......THAT I might consider. Heck if they can find a way for men to give birth that would be nice. Just kidding.
I'm with you - ewww. Nursing your own child can be a really cool and bonding experience, but if you think I'm letting anyone else's kid near my boobies, you've got another thing coming!
ewwwww, the thought of men breastfeeding or giving birth gives me the creeps!
Women nursing babies not there own is actually not a new trend. It goes back to ancient times, they called it a wet nurse. I actually do not find it that disturbing. Being that breastmilk is so pure and natural and fit perfectly for babies, I think if it could benefit a baby somehow, I might consider it. I don't think I could nurse another baby while nursing my own though. I don't know, my mind goes to helpless babies that are starving, that have no food, it would be such a gift to feed them. I am not sure what trend your talking about, I am not for casually feeding my friends baby if she is out for dinner or anything like that.
Yes, I know breastmilk is perfect and pure and natural and all but I thought it was designes specifically to your own babies needs. Just seems weird to give your gold to someone else
I don't know about actually nursing another persons baby for them, but I did donate some of my frozen breastmilk to a milk bank where they pasturize it. A Dr. then has to write a prescription in order for a child to receive the milk. It's for babies who may be premature, have milk allergies or other health issues and cannot take formula.
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