Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fast Food

I usually try to stay away from fast food joints. The places are almost always dirty and a breeding grounds for germs. The food is extremely unhealthy and I just don't care to eat all that grease. Today though Gary wanted to meet for a quick lunch and for some strange reason I choose Burger King since it was the closest thing. I can't remember the last time I even ate Burger King, it's been that long. I wish now, I had picked a different place. I am convinced now that fast food is poison. I ate a cheeseburger and french fries and drank a root beer! I feel so gross, it's making me sick. I feel like my taste buds are having seizures and my stomach is in turmoil, producing some very large gargling noises. I guess it's also freaking out trying to figure out what in the world I just put in there. I also feel like I can just feel all the grease seeping out of every pore in my body and I now have a headache. Am I loony? I am a bit obsessive about what I stay away from and I typically stay away from high fructose corn syrup, which was in my root beer and ketchup that I ate today and it's nearly driving me insane to know I put that stuff in my body. It's making me feel weird. What is wrong with me?? Why am I so obsessive about what I think I should stay away from? And most importantly what in the world would posses me to eat the meal I just ate. I feel like my body needs to be detoxified now. Yeah, I think I'm going to do that. That or just fast for the next 24/36/48 hours. Yes, this is the craziness that is me. Why can't I just be like normal people who eat and just go about their life?


Anonymous said...

Monica.....calm down, your going to be alright :), let it go......take a deep breath, your body is strong..... it will survive this meal

Tomorrow is a new day, eat well!


Sarah Hogan said...

I told Phillip just last week that I could be a millionaire if I opened up an organic drive-through in Austin: sandwiches, wraps, healthy stuff to eat in the car. If I had the money and the skill, I'd do it myself. Maybe I can sell my idea to someone...

Monica said...

I calmed down Michelle. I just couldn't eat the rest of the day.
Only good stuff today
: )

Sarah - I think you are on to something with that idea.

Melanie - That is so true. We are much better off just eating at home.
: )

Sara said...

Haha - I don't think your feelings are all bad - that's probably one of the reasons you're so healthy!

I will give a shoutout to Chick-fil-a, though. My brother worked there for several years, and said that after working there, he can't eat at other fast food places anymore because they feel so dirty to him. If I'm out and want something to eat, it's either Sonic or Chick-fil-a for me.

BTW - I love your new picture - so pretty! [you, not Gary, that is :)]

Anonymous said...

Your funny! Burger King is good.
You just have silly ways. I'm not sure what is wrong with you. But I still love ya. You will be just fine.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what your saying! Michelle and I will go back and forth for what seems like for ever at times about not eating at specific places because they make us feel "gross". Hek, the guys at work even make fun of me for not eating at certain places. So with this said, your not alone....burger king, ICK!

Monica said...

Sara - I agree....if I am looking for something quick for the girls we either do chick fil a for the nuggets or sonic for their grilled cheese! That's about it though.

Anonymous said...

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