Friday, July 11, 2008


Well I finally got around to making this bread pudding recipe, Thanks Sara , that I had been dying to try. I thought today would be the perfect opportunity since we have to take a dessert to the LUAU tonight at our church house. VBS is over and we are throwing a party for the kids and their parents to just celebrate and give the parents an opportunity to see what their kids learned this week. Fun fun. The recipe was pretty enjoyable and easy to make and I love measuring and cutting and melting, and pouring. Baking and cooking are soooo relaxing to me AND the added bonus was that it made my entire house smell like vanilla. Like a mom and pop bakery shop. Anyhow, I did only slightly alter the recipe a bit ( sorry Sara. you will be so disappointed )because it called for Rum and I never did go to the liquor store. When searching for the butter flavoring I happened upon Rum extract. Seemed Easier and probably way less money. Will it be as tasty, probably not but it just worked out. What am I going to do with a bottle of left over rum anyway ya know? Well after baking the bread part and preparing the rum( extract) sauce it looked so yummy and I just could not wait to eat it. So I didn't! I dug in and served myself a tiny little bowl and sat there all alone with my bread pudding. I think it was a moment, a gift given to me by GOD. The house was quiet, girls were napping and I enjoyed every last bite. Heaven. Haha. OOOps. Sorry Luau, you'll have to be 1 dessert short tonight. I figured this is the kind of dessert that is better enjoyed HOT and right out of the oven. Mmmmm. So delicious. I know, I know, I feel a tad bit guilty for not having enough will power to wait but seriously I think this dessert is one that is better enjoyed, like I said before, Hot and fresh out of the oven. I even added a teeny tiny scoop of vanilla ice cream to it. So tasty! I will surely be making this again.

ps. I did not even feel "gross" after indulging in sweets today.


Sarah Hogan said...

May as well not even eat bread pudding if it's room temp.

Sara said...

"What am I going to do with a bottle of left over rum anyway ya know?"

I can think of a few things... haha

I'm really glad you enjoyed it!! :)

daine said...

what oh what ever will i do with this bottle of left over rum. GIVE IT TO ME! LORD don't let it go to waste. you know you can get really small bottles of rum? like small enough to carry, oh Say in your purse. ... and you wonder why Karina carries that big old suitcase of a purse. she loves me!

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