Saturday, August 23, 2008

Being Thankful

I posted a link a few weeks back to a video about a father and son team that runs marathons and other kinds of races. The son is disabled but has done great things with his life regardless of his physical disability. And the father has shown what it means to be a true father....sacrificing so much for his son so that he can have as normal a life as possible. That father could easily have put his son in a home and just lived his life for himself, feeling sorry for having a child with such a disability and could have easily just listened to the doctors that said his child would never have a normal life and to put him away. But he didn't. I have to watch that video every few days( and it always bring the tears) to keep things in perspective and as a reminder that my life is actually pretty great. I can get down sometimes regarding the things in my life I feel are difficult or unfulfilling but watching that video snaps me out of that "feeling sorry" for myself mentality and reminds me of just how fortunate I am to have the life I do. I almost get embarrassed for some of the things I complain about and for some of the careless things I say and take for granted because in a heart beat it can all be taken from me or better yet it could all be something I may have never had. I have to make a daily effort to praise GOD for ALL things. Even the little things in life that seem so trying. So Thank you Lord for this life that you have given me and I pray to be more appreciative and thankful in everything.


mrclif10 said...

Great blog babe! One of your best ever I think. It is nice to have reminders (like that video) to put things in perspective every so often. We are so incredibly blessed it is easy to sometimes take things for granted. Our nuisances or annoyances are probably pretty insignficant compared to the real problems a lot of people face everyday. Thank you for reminding me that I also need to take more time to thank God every day for all of the blessings in my life, especially my incredibly beautiful and amazing bride.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that, Brother! We all need to take the time to thank God for the little things in life that we so often take for granted. But life can get so hectic that we all need reminders from time to time (like that video). Thanks Monica for being my reminder today and thanks for being an awesome wife to my brother and for being a great sister-in-law and friend to me!

Anonymous said...

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