Saturday, August 9, 2008

To grandmamas house we go

We leave later this evening for Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Texas that is. We're going to take a few days and head out to see Gary's family. The drive is a long 5 hour drive but it always seems to go by pretty fast and hopefully the girls will relax and just watch some movies and give Gary and me some time to talk. We're looking forward to relaxing and just taking it easy out in the country. The girls will be able to ride horses and go swimming, play on granddaddys tractor and hang out with their Grandmama.
Today I have mixed feelings about my Dr. appointment yesterday. On the one hand I am extremely grateful that I don't have anything like cancer and that I'm not going to die. On the other hand what I do have requires me to get on a birth control pill for the next 6 weeks and I am not a believer in birth control pills. Not for any religious reason or anything....just I don't like the idea of putting fake hormones in my body and those things have so many side effects. It just disturbs me to have to take them. I don't really know if I will take them or not. I also have a hard time trusting in doctors and putting my confidence in them. So we'll see. Maybe there are some alternative natural remedies out there. I guess I have to do some research. I have to go back in 6 weeks to have another sonogram and get checked out again and if the problem ( a 7cm cyst on my left ovary....which they say is extremely large) is still there they will more than likely surgically remove it. Ouch! I'm praying it goes away all on its own and that it does not rupture since they told me that is extremely painful and will land me in the hospital. Yikes! Thanks for all the prayers and I pray that in six weeks this thing is going to be gone!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

Yes, be gone 7cm cyst on Monica's left ovary, in the name of Jesus we pray Amen! :)

Monica said...

I don't know why that cracked me up......but it did.
Or as bella would're a cracker.

Anonymous said...

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