Hannah - Mom, how old do I have to be before I get a cell phone?"
Me - 18!
Hannah - 18!!! How about 15?
Me - Umm....we'll see.
Hannah - How old were you when you got a cell phone?
Me - 28!
Hannah - 28!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's old.
Me - hahahaha
Times sure are different. When I was 8 all I wanted was a cabbage patch doll.
Ha ha! That's great. You should give her the old "when I was your age..." speech one of these days. It's your right and responsibility as a parent.
Are you serious you were 28???
I got mine when I was 15 or 16. I had a pager first though...hahaha.
Yeah, Taylor thinks she needs a cell phone now as well.
A pager?? What were you a drug dealer??
no remember I was the first child so I got none of that stuff.
I got my first real Cabbage Patch (not homemade) for Christmas when I was 8. Her factory name was Leona.
Your funny!
Yeah I had a green see through pager. Haha, it was so cool back then, but when I got my cell phone I was real cool....LOL!!!!! So I guess your first cell phone Gary bought you huh?
Actually yes.....he hated that he could never reach me so he bought me a cell phone. To this day I hate it....I almost never answer it.
Yes....times are different. Some of the kids at my school have them by the time they reach me in 5th.
Yes, we all know you hate answering your cell phone, or your house phone. I know not to call you if I'm stranded somewhere...LOL
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