Monday, February 2, 2009

Blah blah blah

I keep meaning to blog but I really have nothing to blog about. I mean nobody wants to hear me complain about things worth or not worth complaining about and nobody wants to hear me brag about things worth or not worth bragging about. I'm sure no one wants to hear the latest thing Bella is doing or the funny things Hannah has said or the latest thing Gary has done to make me laugh or cry. Oh which reminds me of something that I actually think is worth saying because it is so absolutely SO the way things go. My husband has by no action/intention of his own lost 10 pounds in the last 2-3 weeks. WHAT???? And I have found about 5 of them. Sooo not happy about that. Anyway back to not knowing what to blog about. I've started 3 different posts in the last 7 days or so...only to not post it because I figure it's boring or it's lame or it's blah blah blah.
Sometimes I feel like that's what I'm saying. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Ya know? But things are good. No real complaints. Excited/nervous about a church project. Excited/hesitant about our small group. Excited/anxious about starting my desk remodel project. Oh... which i have bought new handles for. Yay....I can't wait to get started on that.


Sara said...

Just for the record, I always love reading your thoughts, no matter if they seem blog-worthy or not. Heck, half the stuff I write about is either complaining or mundane...

But seriously, I just love keeping up with what's going on in your day-to-day, whether or not it seems epic at the time.

Just a little encouragement from a rambling hormonal woman... :)

Monica said...

Sara - You're so sweet and I am so glad you are my friend.
: )

I think I was just having a blah mood. It passed.

Amanda Gregory said...

I love reading your blog, too! Good luck with the desk. I know it will turn out perfect!!! I bought a toy chest for Chase the other day of Craigslist for $10.00 and redid it. It was so worth it!!!

Anonymous said...

I've missed reading your thoughts these past couple of days :(

Anonymous said...

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