So I'm in my closet today getting dressed to head to the grocery store and in walks gary real quick to grab some of his work shirts to wash. To which I say...."oh you're washing your clothes.....NICE." He continues to grab his shirts when he notices his old gym bag on the floor, the one he is bringing out of retirement in a few days when he starts going to the gym. "Here it is"...he proclaims "Oh I need my combination lock when I take this to they gym". This is the point where he starts searching for his lock. He scavenges the bag, looks in the pockets, feels all in it. "Hmmm, it's not in here" he confusingly states. Then he starts climbing the shelves to look on the top of the closet. Nope not up there. He starts rummaging through the closet, he's looking under baseball caps because somehow I guess combination locks are known to hide under baseball caps??? At this point it somehow dons on me that his lock is downstairs in the laundry room closet in his old back pack. So I say
Me - Hey babe, I think your lock is downstairs in the laundry room closet in your old backpack.
Gary - Noooooooooooooo. It couldn't be in there, I kept it in this bag all the time. It's not in my backpack.
Me - Are you sure, because for some reason I think it might be in there.
Gary - No, I'm sure it's not in there. I never kept it in that backpack. I only used it when I went to the gym.
At this point he is still searching high and low in the closet and I'm thinking to myself....why in the world would he at least not go look and check and see if it's downstairs in the laundry room closet in his old backpack.
Me -Okay.....but I think it is!
So,I see I must take matters into my own hands and I go downstairs to the laundry room closet and look inside his old back pack. I picked up the bag and start my search for his combination lock and what do you know. There it is, downstairs in the laundry room closet in his old backpack. I pull it out and it has at least 5 jolly ranchers stuck to it and a few pennies and dimes stuck to the jolly ranchers. I know he bought those jolly ranchers before bella was born so they have been sitting in that bag for at least 3 years. Maybe he thought you had to bring a lock to the hospital to keep it on the baby so no one would take her? I don't know.....but anyway there it is in all it's glory. YES! Haha I was right as usual. Honestly how has he not caught onto this me being right all the time thing. He's probably still upstairs looking for his lock.
Me - PAPA!!! PAPA!!!!
Gary - no answer
Me - You can't ever again for the rest of our entire marriage ever doubt me and say that I am wrong when I tell you where something is. I'm ALWAYS RIGHT! Here.
I hand him the lock.
Gary - Where was it?
Me - Down here in the laundry room closet in YOUR OLD BACK PACK!
Gary - No it wasn' was NOT in there.
Me - Oh my dear goodness....
Ha ha! I'm really impressed with your memory :)
Are you SURE you didn't put that lock in my backpack? ;-) It must be something genetic that enables Mom's to always be able to find things, and guys to not be able to find things that are right in front of them. You were right...again!
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