1. GOD's Love - simply because he is who he is. Through my worry, through my lack of faith, through my pain, or through my praise. His love does not change,it remains the same. It never fails.
2. Answered Prayers.
3. Normal Blood Test Results after a week agonizing over abnormal blood test results.
4. Counseling. Specifically the Counselor.
5. Letting go of pride. It could possibly be the most deadliest sin.
6. Being able to take my girls to the park and play with them outside and just breathing them in, as they are being kids.
7. Watching Bella play and dance and smile when she does not realize I am watching her. This can bring me to tears.
8. Emotions. It's okay to be emotional and show your emotions. But not letting them lead my train but learning how to reposition them behind Scriptures, Truth, and God's Will.
9. My weekly womens book/bible study. Again, more specifically the women in the group. I have been so fortunate to share some time with some really amazing women and have learned so much from this study and from them. I am just enamoured with Alicia Britt Chole who is the lady that is doing the dvd based lesson. I still have not found the right words to describe her or my feelings for her. And If I had the power to carry her around with me all day long I would, but I don't so I'm hoping that her words will sink in and take root.
10. My family. My Husband - for always keeping a positive outlook on things. My Dad - for his ability to calm my fears, worries and anxiety and his Strong Faith in the Lord. My mom - for surprising me all the time with her devotion to her girls through her kind gestures. I know that her and my dad would do anything for me. ANYTHING! My Sister Michelle - for praying for me and for being the person I can talk to. Melissa - for letting me be silly and her ability to always make me laugh. Hannah - for her desire to know GOD and what he wants for her in her life and for her words of wisdom at times even though she is only 8 years old. And Bella - For her hugs and kisses and for the constant joy she brings to my heart. A joy so powerful that it can almost be healing.
I was just feeling extra Thankful today. Praise GOD.
I am thankful for YOU! My big sis and best friend. I love you!
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