It's always very interesting to me when strange things happen around here and nobody is to blame. Does nobody live in every one's house? I made some cupcakes today for small group and have them sitting on the stove all nice and neat. I happen to notice that 2 cupcakes have little bitty finger prints on them and I know I did not put them there. I casually say to Bella, " Bella, do you know who put these fingers in the cupcakes?" She immediately said, "Hannah". So I ask Hannah the same thing and she says she has no idea, maybe Papa! Yeah right, he was not even home when I noticed it. Some one is LYING! Both of them are sticking to their story that they did not do it. I have my suspicions and mom's suspicions are pretty much always right. But I don't want to out right call one a liar when I really don't know. What do you do when you know one of your children is lying. It makes me sad. I like honesty at all costs.
We don't have a problem with lying in our house, only confessions! Hannah especially will confess anything and everything, even things she has thought about doing. Half the stuff I don't even care about. I hope she keeps it up though as she gets older so she'll tell me everything!
I would much rather have that problem. That is too funny. My nephew is like that.
Hahahaha, I know who it is!!!!!! LOL
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