Thursday, April 9, 2009
Praise God
So things went well at my dr.s appointment. He did the nerve/muscle testing on my right arm and said from what he could tell things looked normal and healthy. He did not see any reason to test any of the other limbs. The test it's self was pretty uncomfortable so I was fine with that. They basically sent electricity through my body and shocked the nerves to see if they reacted normally. OUCH! It was freaky. I thought my normal twitching was bad....this was like...WHOA! Then he had to insert needles into about 6 different muscles along the hand arm and neck and test the muscle for any abnormalities. That was not fun either. It was kind of like acupuncture but much worse. He said he had no reason to suspect muscle or nerve disease but did say that limbs can be affected differently. For instance one limb of the body could test normal while another might not. But since none of my limbs showed clinical muscle weakness or wasting he had no reason to believe further testing was needed. He said he is pretty confident of the initial diagnosis of Benign fasciculation syndrome being accurate. He did say that if his prognosis was not good enough for me that he could refer me to a neurologist for extensive testing on all limbs and also the tongue! Eww.... I think I'll pass for now. I told him if he was sure that I did not "need" further testing that I was fine with that. Further down the line if things get worse or I start having more symptoms not related to BFS I can choose to do testing then. SO....for now I am just going to sit confident in his diagnosis and leave this in GOD's hands.....not that it was not in his hands all along, but I am just going to move on. Will I have my freak outs when my muscles are jumping all over the place...maybe but I think I will be okay. He did suggest a seizure medication that has been known to help with muscle twitching but I am not one to jump to quickly to drugs. I have researched a few natural/homeopathic remedies that I think I want to try first. So we shall see. Thanks for all the prayers and for those of you that encouraged me to stay positive and trust in GOD. I am sure it's through the faith of all of you that I am okay. Praise GOD!
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