Wednesday, May 6, 2009

All Good Things Must End

I really dislike when things I enjoy come to an end. Today was the last meeting for my weekly Bible Study I have been doing for the past 10 weeks. I so thoroughly enjoyed these lessons and learned a lot from it. Now I may not have perfected implementing it all into my daily life just yet but it surely is something I will keep working on. I KNOW I've grown in my faith and I am way more trusting in GOD than before we started. I think I have a better understanding of who GOD is and who I am. The lessons were so beautiful and eye opening and the lady that wrote the curriculum is brilliant! I also got to know a few ladies that go to my church but I've never really spoken to and gained so much from each of them. It was a great group of ladies. And now it's ending and I am a bit sad. And not just this but my Pilate's class that I have also been doing the past 10 weeks is ending on Friday. I have enjoyed the Pilate's as well and not only was it a chance for me to gain some strength in my body but also was a chance for me to sort of rekindle an old friendship. My best friend from junior high and high school( we were inseparable) and I took this class together. We had lost touch through out the years and reconnected through facebook! I enjoyed getting to see her every week and chat through our pain.......I mean Pilate's. Surely we will keep in touch but again it just sort of makes me sad when something has to come to an end. It's kind of like a chapter is ending and I don't quite know the title to the next one.

I am thankful for both of these opportunities and feel like I have grown in faith and body and I can tell I am stronger. I can't wait to see what the next few months will have in store. It is going to be Summer soon so I know it will be interesting. Thank you GOD for these 2 wonderful experiences I got to enjoy and I'm trusting you that great things are still to come. Happy Wednesday!